26 February 2009

Upcoming: Philadelphia Conference of Reformed Theology, Sacramento CA

by Dan Phillips

The PCRT is to come to my town, Sacramento, Kolly-fornia (as our gov says it). Some might see it as a sleepy, brain-dead, nearly Godforsaken town. Unkind observers could describe it as squalid, ugly, and flat — except for the innumerable concrete islands manically splitting every street, so that you have to drive a mile past your destination and pull a U-turn. The church scene (it must be said) is dominated by fad-ism, seeker-wannabe's, emerg*-wannabe's, tepid traditionalism, Charismatics, and cults, with a very few exceptions.

Lovely place. You must visit!

It's my home at present, and the people I love most in the world are here with me, and...

Anyway, the PCRT is to add its brief sparkle of light to our valley on March 13-15, and I plan to be there to report on at least the first two days for you, beloved readers.

So here are my questions for you:
  • Will I be seeing any of you there?
  • Do any of the speakers read Pyro? (Drop me an email, if you'd prefer.)
  • Check out the program. Any opinions as to which sessions you'd most like reports about? (To dangle a preposition.)
Host church information is HERE. (To wit, Immanuel Baptist.)

Yr obdt svt,
Dan Phillips's signature


Chad V. said...


The link to the program is broken. Please for to be making fixy.

DJP said...

Thanks. Fixy-fixy.

Allen R. Mickle, Jr. said...

Looks great. Wish I could go. :(

NoLongerBlind said...

I'd be interested in knowing what a kolly-fornia-style, reformed coffee-break is like.... =;>

In addition, it'd be great to hear about Steve L's talks on John Calvin: The Man, The Preacher, and His Legacy.

If my schedule permits, I might attend part of the Philadelphia event in early May, as I'm about 1-1/2 hrs. away.

Fred Butler said...

I thought it was kollah-fronia


Dave .... said...

I will be there. Lunch on me, Dan?
OK, I found my way to the agenda and registration. Is it just me (please, don't let it be "just" me) or does the website NOWHERE tell you where the conference is being held? I was hoping for more granularity than "Sacramento" and "1.9 miles" from the Courtyard Hotel. The company firewall was messing with some of the links - it might have been on one of the blocked pages.

DJP said...

Hm, good point.

I just updated the post with a different link, and it contains the host church info.

Paul Nevergall said...

I take it you don't currently work for the Chamber or Tourism Board of Sacramento...

If not, they are missing out because your Bus Tour would be awesome!

DJP said...

It'd be memorable, guaranteed.

DJP said...

There is beauty in Sacramento, though. I mean, like, if you go into an IMAX theater and watch a movie about some other place... go to an art gallery, see paintings of some other place... visit me, see pix I've taken of Scotland and the Sierra... stuff like that.

Paul Nevergall said...


Stefan Ewing said...

God the Just and the Justifier, please.

That pretty much sums up the whole Bible, doesn't it?

DJP said...

I'll make note of all requests. I ain't Burger King, but special orders don't upset me.

(Not saying I do them, but they don't upset me. Especially if I've invited them!)

Anonymous said...

Oy, can't leave Charismatics alone huh? I know MANY OF THEM they do a lot of dumb whacky stuff, but you could draw up a comparable list of behaviors for Southern Baptists that are unbiblical and destructive.

DJP said...

What? Didn't I say "tepid traditionalism"?



Unknown said...

As near as I can tell, hell has died. Or at the very least it is an endangendered species that is rarely glimpsed. Since the last Saturday night session deals with justification and the last judgment, it might prove to be quite interesting. That will be my one request.

Can I get that without the lettuce?

Michelle said...

I'll be in Sacramento on Saturday March 7 after driving right through Friday night with four children and a husband. Sacramento is a great place to stay en route from Vancouver, BC, to Anaheim because, because, um, it's really close to the I5!

Stefan Ewing said...

I had a sales call with a customer in Chico a few days ago. That's as close as I'm likely to get to Sacramento.

Dave .... said...

You know the difference between Sacramento and yogurt? Yogurt has live culture.

Dave .... said...

It's like Fresno ... with trees.

DJP said...

Now, I will say: most of Sacramento smells better than Fresno.

Dave .... said...

But Immanuel Baptist Church is only 4 blocks frm Zelda's Original Gourmet Pizza - THAT would be worth the walk and the abuse from the waitresses.

lee n. field said...

Pick one, it all looks good. Justification and the Final Judgment sounds interesting.

Went to PCRT, oh, 1977 or 78, in Wheaton. Ah, memories. John Gerstner, RC and others, on the atonement.

Wish I could afford to travel.

(And it's spelt "Kalifornia".)

Deb_B said...

"...hell has died."

WHAT???? ... and nobody told me!
[:::affecting wide-eyed innocent look:::]

DJP, what Mistah Sherrill ordered.

Only easy on the mayo and extra pickles, please!

Anonymous said...

Any opinions as to which sessions you'd most like reports about?

Jerry Bridges - The Great Exchange.

For my $.02 - :)

Rick Potter said...

I'm studying Exodus 17:7 and 1 Cor. 10:1-5. The "Waters of Meribah", The "testing" of God and such. I was reading your post on prayer and somehow ended up on that study. So, I don't know if anything in the program will touch on that subject but if you hear something and think to jot it down that would be great....or maybe you have previous posts you could point me to?

candy said...

Bruce and I are thinking about going. Immanuel Baptist Church is our church's "sister" church.

You took the words right out of my mouth regarding Sacramento BTW. :)

candy said...

We are thinking about going on Sat.

Rachael Starke said...

"Now, I will say: most of Sacramento smells better than Fresno."

What smell??!! Oh, you mean all the cattle and the leftover unharvested grapes fermenting in the sun?

That, sir, is the smell of money. Revenue from hours of backbreaking work in the hot sun, harvesting crops that will nourish families all across our great state and nation.

Where does the smell in Sacramento come from again??

candy said...

The smell that comes from Sacramento is sweat. Hot down there ya know.

Susan said...

John Calvin: The Legacy. (It is, after all, his 500th birthday this year!)

Madeleine said...

Sounds awesome - wish we were not so far away in New Zealand (or that we had funds to travel).

Hope it goes well.

Am enjoying your blog - keep it up.

Steve Scott said...


I have plenty of family in Sac, and I live an hour away down in the Bay Area. Yeah, it's flat, but you have a good basketball team in recent memory. We're stuck with the Warriors (they're a team in the NBA...I think). I'd move there (my wife would love it) but my kid's got bad allergies. Sac is the allergy capital of the world.

No, I won't be going. I attended a PCRT in Berkeley about a decade ago. A couple of college kids got some big names to come out for who knows what reason, but about 500 people showed up. Floored the east coast guys. Five hundred believers in Berkeley? Who'da thunk it? Hope many show up.

Jonathan Ginn said...

Yes! I live in Sacramento and I'm shall be attending this conference! I'm super stoked up for it!