posted by Phil Johnson
The PyroManiacs devote some space each weekend to highlights from The Spurgeon Archive. The following excerpt is from "Accomplices in Sin," a sermon delivered Sunday Evening, 30 March 1873, at the Met Tab in London.
I have known such tempters of others,—old men who, from their youth up, had sinned in such a shameful way that their very looks were full of lechery. There was a leer about their eyes that was almost enough to destroy all chastity that came beneath their glance; and their speech was full of the double entendre, insinuations, and innuendoes, which were almost worse than open profanity. I have known one such walking mass of putrefaction defile a whole parish; and when I have seen a boy walking with such a demon incarnate, or sitting down with him in the public-house, I knew that the boy's character would be ruined if that vile doctor in devilry could only instruct him in the vices with which he is himself so shamefully familiar.
There are such fiends in London, and we could almost wish to have them all buried straight away, for they are Satan's servants spreading wickedness all around them. I do not suppose I am addressing one such dreadful creature; yet I know that some great sinners of that sort do come within these walls, and they will, of course, be very angry because of my allusion to them; yet I never knew a thief who was fond of a policemen, and I do not expect or wish to secure the approval of scoundrels whose evil character I am exposing.
If, sir, I have described thee, and thou wilt not repent of thy sin, I tell thee that the hottest place in hell is reserved for thee, for thou hast led young men to the alehouse, and taught them to drink the devil's drugs, and to repeat thy foul blasphemies, and to imitate thy scandalous lasciviousness. Yet, ere it is too late, I beseech thee to repent of thy sin, that it may be blotted out by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, which cleanseth from all sin; for, if not, "other men's sins" will cry out against thee for judgment at the bar of the Almighty.
I solemnly charge all of you, who have not committed this iniquity, never to do so; take care that you never say a word which might stain the innocence of a child's mind, and that you never let fall an expression which might, in any way, be the means of leading another person into sin, for it is an easy thing for us to become partakers of other men's sins by tempting them to commit iniquity.
There is so much dirty linen in our own house needing to be washed that none of us need to take in our neighbour’s washing....So it is not my intention to bid any of you to cease to look to your own affairs; but, at the same time, I want to remind you that we cannot, in this world, live altogether to ourselves. He who is most bent upon minding his own business cannot help knowing that his next-door neighbour has something to do with his garden.
Ever been golfing behind an Episcopalian foursome? They always bring a fifth.
The saddest thing about this post is that the act of leading others into sin takes so many other forms as well... even those who say things like
"We don't need to get too deep in our Bible study/Sunday School class... everyone is a bit right and a bit wrong, so let's just love God and do our best..."
Oh, some wolves' sheep costumes are VERY realistic... but they will be exposed in the end, praise God.
Hi, I wonder if anyone here can point me to a good response to the arguments of Karen Armstrong's 'A History of God'? Needed for a conversation with unbeliever.
"I have known one such walking mass of putrefaction defile a whole parish."
Spurgeon didn't sugar-coat things, did he. After reading this post, I have a guy I work with that comes to mind. He seems to take great delight in using especially filthy language. And as Spurgeon says, these kind of people can have a bad effect on most everyone come in contact with.
Who knew Spurgeon was such a negative...
It seems Spurgeon wasn't talking about somebody merely having filthy language, but somebody who was teaching others to use it (and other sins).
As I have gotten older, I've noticed myself having a particular distaste for most foul language in that it belies a lack of vocabulary. I mean look at Spurgeon "mass of putrefaction." Some of today's more lurid Pastors would probably just use the S word which just doesn't have the same intense meaning.
I echo JBranch's sentiment in that I also thought of a person at work when I read that, and I thought, "Yesssss Spurgeon!!" Every time that person walks by my desk I become very angry inside because as far as I can see, he enjoys incorporating innuendos in almost all of his casual conversations. I have absolutely zero tolerance for men like that. It's so nice to know that Spurgeon was a manly man who would stand up and rebuke men for such disgusting practices!!!
(My word verification: "hympig". Enough said.)
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