09 December 2010

What did Jesus (not) say about... how to live?

by Dan Phillips

"Just follow your heart. It will never steer you wrong."

Dan Phillips's signature


Robert said...

"And He was saying to them all, 'If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it. For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself?'" (Luke 9:23-25)

Jesus says that we must deny ourselves. This is basically saying we should have nothign to do with following our hearts wherever they might lead us. Then we must bear our cross daily...we must put to death the evil desires of our heart (by the power of the Holy Spirit). And only then do we get to follow Him. And that means following Him regardless of where our hearts may be inclined to lead us. That is what Jesus said.

James Scott Bell said...

"Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” (John 14:21)

"Follow your bliss." (Joseph Campbell)

JackW said...

Following your heart would be a contradiction since we know that Jesus is STANDING at the door of your heart and knocking on that door. Obviously the heart cannot be moving and therefore you can’t follow something that’s not moving. What a silly idea.

Phil said...

"For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person." (Mark 7:21-23)

Anonymous said...

...alright, you go your way and I'll go mine, I'll get over you in time, there's nothing here to hold you now, I just can't fight your willful mind...

Mike Westfall said...

And Christmas is all about finding your own star to follow...

Larry Mayo said...
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Larry Mayo said...

"The heart is more deceitful than all else, who can understand it?"
Jeremiah 17:9

donsands said...

The dream of your heart is something God has put there. Follow that dream where ever that dream may lead.


Unknown said...

Dr. Quinn says so...


Matt Aznoe said...

Reminds me of the song "The Maker of Noses" by the late Rich Mullins:

"They said boy you just follow your heart
But my heart just led me into my chest
They said follow your nose
But the direction changed every time I went and turned my head
And they said boy you just follow your dreams
But my dreams were only misty notions
But the Father of hearts and the Maker of noses
And the Giver of dreams He's the one I have chosen
And I will follow Him"

Rachael Starke said...
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Rachael Starke said...

Ah yes. "It can't be wrong, when it feels so right" theology.

If I think back honestly about the many times I went down a potentially disastrous road in my early years as Christian, every single time it was because of that (Hellish) principle. Now statements like that make me shudder with fear for the person stating them. I really believe it's one of the most wicked, destructive lies people, and especially women, can fall prey to.

And modern America is practically built on it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something Jiminy Cricket would say. ...let your conscience be your guide.

David Regier said...

Thank you, Rachael. Debbie Boone is now running through my head.

Youuu...light up my life, you give my hoooope... to carry on...

I think at some point she actually said that song was about Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Talk about the blind leading the blind...

Stefan Ewing said...

"Your heart will never steer you wrong."


allen said...

1. Your heart is the problem!--Jer.17:9, Gen 6:5, Mk.7:21-23,Rom.1:21
2. The new birth solves the problem by giving you a new heart.--Ez.36:26, John 3:3, Titus 3:5
3. Now, with a new heart that is inclined to obey your new Lord, follow Him. He will never steer you wrong. Ps.119:105, 32;8, Prov.3:6

Schubert said...
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Anonymous said...


"Deny yourself" is affirming Jesus by doing everything--EVERYTHING--you do for Him, not yourself.

"Picking up your cross daily" is being crucified (hated, reviled, persecuted) by the world for telling (witnessing, preaching, testifying) to the Truth (which He is!) daily.

"And follow me" is doing all of the above just like He did...He wasn't heading to a picnic with that thing.

Unless, of course, Oprah's right...

Aaron said...

There you guys go again...ruining perfectly good theology with the Bible.

/ s

Pierre Saikaley said...

Jesus knew what was in man, and it was(is) full of evil, and certainly no guide for living.

While people have many plans in their hearts, it's God's will that stands. Jesus rebuked the foolisness of presumption that men could order their own steps wisely apart from God.

There are only two ways in Jesus' economy: Those wise who build on the rock of His Words, and the foolish who build on the quicksand of man-made, carnal reason.

Sonja said...

And He said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God." ~ Luke 16:15

We all want to be justified by others. And liked and accepted -- to fit in and not be a misfit. I guess it's just our flesh. We only truly fit in with others who are like minded -- justified by the blood of the Lamb.

WV: "Cater. How much each day do I do that to unbelievers?

Rhetorical. :)

Dan, thanks for this very thoughtful series.

bad bob said...

As mentioned above the heart is deceitful above all things. I followed it for years and was led down some terrible paths. Only the intervention of the Holy Spirit, who gave me the vision to see the Narrow Gate, and the strength to start trudging it, saved me from certain, early death.
God gets all the credit, of course. Christ's instruction on carrying our cross as we follow Him has fallen on some pretty deaf ears, as I look around. A lot of folks seem to believe that Christianity should always be a happy experience and fun, fun, fun, above all else. Then when adversity strikes, fold up like a cheap suit. Remembering we work for the Father's glory might offer some counter balance to a worldly attitude. Yes, I do occasionally dampen parties. Anyway, wonderful post Dan.

Jon from Bucksport said...

My kids know this as Disney Theology. And they have been catechized to recognize it in all it's many forms as heresy!

DJP said...

I tried to get my kids to reword Jiminy as "and always let the Scripture be your guide."

My 15yo and I are going through Proverbs, and he's all over the "let your heart be your guide" false gospel.

Gilbert said...

I cringe every time I hear "My Way" by Frank Sinatra, or "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Deon.
Me, myself and I.

I want to die. That is, to myself. Every day. No, every minute. No, every second, no, every moment, to Jesus. The Bible verses have flown hard and fast, and then result is the above. It's so hard...the world says otherwise, the flesh does as well.

A sold-out slave to Christ...that's the goal.

Aaron said...

I'd say generally speaking, it's a very bad idea to live your life by following one liners from a movie.

Anonymous said...

Sir Aaron, good advice unless that one line is, "It's a trap...".

DJP said...


Anonymous said...

Oh...this one has caused me so much theological grief in ministry. Even correcting it with the Word isn't well received.
Sadly, there is far too much Pocahontas & Eldridge thinking in the church...

Mick Gorton said...

Do not follow your hearts. "the heart can be decieved and is desperately wicked." Jeremiah

Dave Linn said...

Titanic: Disregard your family. Run off with a stranger from steerage. Commit fornication in a car. Strip for an artist. Throw an invaluable gem into the ocean. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what following your heart will achieve.

DJP said...

LOL; Linn shoots, he scores.