Don't get all snippy about whether that's a continualist statement or a cessationist statement, OK? I'll close the comments down on this post if things turn ugly. Just think about Phil -- to whom God has given much to share -- sharing with all kinds of pastors. Let's pray that he remains strong and healthy, that his work is fruitful and God-honoring, and that above all else the Gospel is preached and men's hearts are turned toward Christ.
We love you, Phil, because you love Christ. Go get 'em! Booyah!
I will be out there for a couple days of the conference. Phil has some interesting topics that I will attend. Frank, should I try to take some bad pictures of Phil so you can post them?
I agree.....I will be there next week so everyone PLEASE let him study.......WE need him at his best when he is teaching us next week!!!!!
Be on the lookout for the guy with the spiked hair and Arminian Advisory T-Shirt.....come up and say HI!
Brother Phil,
The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.
Jonathan: if Phil is doing anything or wearing anything that would make a great picture, pretend you're Jimmy Olsen and he's Superman. I know that metaphor falls aparts real quick, but you see what I'm saying' ...
i'm praying for you (and the other speakers). looking forward a great time in the Word a the SC.
no worries, Frank. This shirt has been "retired"!
My wife (whose name we shall not blog) is looking for your home address. I e-mailed Phil for it and he is so busy he can't answer e-mail. She feels bad that when you called last week she was in a rush out the door to pick up Number One Son as school.
If you could shoot it off in an e-mail, that'd be great.
Go Get em', Phil. I attended the Conference last year, but can't make it this year. You gentlemen at Grace do a GREAT service for all those with flock responsibilities.
Hey and welcome, Darlene! I'm glad to see you pop in here.
My prayers are with Phil (and the other teaching staff) for next week's onslaught. Please pray for our department, as well. Thirteen services in five days is a bit overwhelming. . . .
BTW, the Parkening autobio is due for release in June (he's playing for the Sunday afternoon service at the conference). Do you think it's worth a purchase? I haven't read it, you see, but I know someone who has. :-)
I pray for pastors every wednesday morning; I often include Phil on that list.
This was a nice thing for you to do, Frank.
Don't let it get around. I prayed for iMonk, too, and look what that got me.
I personaly want to advocate that every man has the right to own one "bad" shirt, My dad has held up this right and I hold up this right. He has what we call his "power rangers" shirt. You see my dad loves sailing, And this bright yellow shirt with sail boats all over, it is hideious, and he wears it ALL the time. So here is to your "hiddious" shirt, may it rest in peace.
I sure am glad we are talking about shirts....... I would hate for someone to bring up the issue of PARACHUTE PANTS!!!! No I dont still have mine (several pair) and I also had a parachute shirt.....I wont mention the Miami Vice trend of clothing......
I say we get a group together to stand in the back and heckle during Phil's super seminars.
Darlene will you be attending any of the night services?
This is clear evidence of one of the differences between men and women. Women just do not understand what it is like to find that one perfect shirt. Its appearance is irrelevant; it's all about the feel.
Yes, I can't wait for Christopher's book-it is really great!
Scott: Yes, I do plan to attend the night meetings--and maybe sneak into the back of the seminars.(warn those hecklers!)
I missed this the first time around, but will pray now that Dan has tipped me off.
The shirt doesn't look that bad to me.
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