- T4G was awesome. Thanks to all of you who greeted us and said you are regular readers. It was an encouraging week. We'll say more about it in the days to come.
- This weekend I'm speaking at the Ninth Annual Rochester Theology Conference, with Jerry Bridges. If you're in the area, come by and say hi.
- Darlene and I will be back home Monday for a short week before leaving for my annual week-long marathon teaching a survey of systematic theology (eight hours a day for five days straight) in Sicily. This year we complete our three-year cycle. So don't expect a lot of substantial posts from me for the next couple of weeks.
- I do hope to post one fairly thorough reply to Andrew Jones's articles on contextualization. I appreciate the work he did on those (even whilst on the rad in remote parts of the world).
- Perhaps I'll also reply (though I shouldn't have to) to C. Michael Patton's post categorizing PyroManiacs with those who hold the hyper-Calvinist opinion that God is the efficient cause of evil.
18 April 2008
End of Week Update
by Phil Johnson

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Stay away from Mt. Etna while you're there. And be on the lookout for Marlon Brando lookalikes.
Nice to meet you and your wife; hope your next stop is as profitable as T4G!
It was a wonderful conference. As it was a pleasure to meet you and your wife, along with Dan, Mrs. Phillips and Frank. And a delight for me to hear MacArthur for the first time in person (and those other fellows as well).
And it was nice to learn of your connection (via your lovely wife) to the Mountain State of West Virginia, yea, even unto southern West Virginia.
God bless you, brother.
I opened the link to the Rochester Theology conference.
Those side-by-side pics of you and Jerry Bridges are quite a remarkable study in...uh... contrast.
The topic looks great. Wish I could be there.
"Perhaps I'll also reply (though I shouldn't have to) to C. Michael Patton's post categorizing PyroManiacs with those who hold the hyper-Calvinist opinion that God is the efficient case of evil."
He didn't intend to, though his chart gave that impression. From the update to his post:
"Please know that I did not mean to suggest that PyroManiacs believe that God is the instrumental cause of evil. I tried to place them to the right of this, but it is not being interpreted as I intended. But, such is the value of conversation and explanations! Please read Phil’s and Frank’s comments below."
It was a pleasure to meet you and Darlene at the T4G conference.
So... what time did you leave the area? Did you hear about the earthquake that hit the area this morning?
P.S. CMP hasn't said, though, why he put y'all to the left of him on his chart.
I just got home this morning at 1:30AM from T4G, and had the privilege of meeting Phil, Dan and Frank in person. They're much nicer in person :-). Also Phil, you still owe me a couple Team Pyro stickers, wasn't able to find you the rest of the week after BoB. For those of you that were at the BoB gathering, it was great to be together with y'all.
I did a feeble attempt at blogging BoB and T4G on my site if anyone is interested, and will be adding more.
What support literature/books do you use when teaching your systematic theology course?
Nothingnew: "What support literature/books do you use when teaching your systematic theology course?"
Emery Bancroft's Systematic Theology is the only major systheo widely available in Italian. I'm using that plus an adaptation of Curt Daniel's Syllabus on Theology, plus my own lecture notes.
A systematic theology course in Italy--that's awesome! Forgive my ignorance, but actually never really thought about the spiritual state of affairs in Italy...I guess I've tended to think of Catholicism as having a much stronger hold on the overall climate than it actually does? While I've been to Italy twice (Rome, Florence, Amalfi Coast), my rather surface-level observations led me to the conclusion that it was spiritually dead by and large--something I hope I'm dead wrong about! Is there a strong interest in sound doctrine and/or reformed theology? What about young people? Are many going pomo-lib-emergent like so many other parts of Europe?
STEFAN: Thanks so much for your detailed directions yesterday; this is not to assume, however, that you'll see me follow them correctly in my next post :#
"hyper-Calvinist opinion that God is the efficient cause of evil.No time now though."
Your Oct 8, 2007 post was complicated and intense in follow-up comments.
One thing that I would ask is if and when you do this you would take some time to define the way you will use terms like efficient, first, final, instrumental, et cetera...
Or, if you are going to use some standard definitions, you might link a quick review source if you know of one.
This might help to keep the troops in columns...
Are you going to address evil as diminution of good/subtraction of righteousness over against evil as an essence/thing? I am currently reviewing the issue because of something that was said at Reformed Mafia. So this would be timely for me. Not that I am selfish or anything...
I hope you'll get a chance to go to Taormina. It's a small town on the east coast side of Sicily. It faces Greece. It's a beautiful small town with a lot of history and nice sites to see.
You're welcome. Don't be afraid to give it a try...use the Preview button to check out your work!
you just missed the earthquake felt in Louisville!
We didn't meet at T4G, but just wanted to say thanks for your thoughts at BoB.
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