posted by Phil Johnson
Those fine books of the broad school which came from Germany years ago, but which we now produce at home, it is a pity to have seen the binding of them. Even doctors of divinity favor us with denials of plenary inspiration, and aid in that form of undermining work: they may have all their books so long as we can keep our Bibles, and God gives us firm faith in himself.
Let us but know Jesus and lean our heads on his bosom, and the learned men may speculate as they please. Oh! when the church gets back to her simple faith in Jesus, she shall be qualified for victory; she shall vanquish the world when she has thrown away her wooden sword of carnal reason and has taken up the true Jerusalem blade of faith in God.
Then out of the mouths of babes and sucklings God will do what he never will do out of the months of Scribes and Pharisees and wise men. Out of the mouths of weak people, who believe what God tells them,the mouths of weak people who have no capacity except the capacity of faithout of these will God perfect praise and glorify himself.
Of course, Spurgeon is not advocating simply ignoring the claims and assertions of the academic elite, right? We should answer foolishness with the truth, right? Just asking.
Long-time lurker with a quick observation:
The Pyros write, the comments flood. Spurgeon writes, and the commenters sit back and say "yup."
This may be because the Pyros are gracious about continuing the discussion with anyone who posts a reasonable comment, while Spurgeon is... unable.
Still, I'd like to believe that it's because Spurgeon just speaks the truth with timeless clarity.
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