posted by Phil Johnson
The PyroManiacs devote some space each weekend to highlights from The Spurgeon Archive. The following excerpt is from "Why Men Cannot Believe in Christ," a sermon published in 1875
When everybody else believes a haltering falsehood concerning you, you come at last to believe it yourself, or at least to think that it may be so. These Pharisees, being continually called "the learned rabbi," "the holy scribe," "the devout and pious doctor," "the sanctified teacher," almost believed the flattering compliments. They used very grand phrases in those days, and doctors of divinity were very common, almost as common as they are now; and the crowd of doctors and rabbis helped to keep each other in countenance by repeating one another's fine names till they believed they meant something.
Dear friends, it is very difficult to receive honor and to expect it, and yet to keep your eyesight; for men's eyes gradually grow dull through the smoke of the incense which is burned before them; and when their eyes become dim with self-conceit, it will not be at all marvellous if they say, "We cannot believe in Jesus Christ." Their own great selves conceal the cross, and make them unable to believe the truth.
Once more, the praise of men generally turns the receivers of it into great cowards. How could they believe in Jesus? Why, the people would leave off terming them "the learned rabbi," and "the celestial doctor," and their brethren would put them out of the synagogue. How could they believe, and lose their status? Why, the would say, "Has rabbi So-and-so become a disciple of the carpenter's son? Has he put aside his wisdom and become a child, that he may be instructed by the Nazarene?" Why, the whole Sanhedrin would hiss out indignation against the learned man, the pious man, the devout man, with his phylactery, and the broad border of his garment, if he were to follow with publicans and harlots at the heels of the rejected Messiah. They were afraid! They were afraid!
That same spirit which makes us love the praise of men makes us dread the threats of men. You cannot be pleased with the adulation of mankind without becoming fearful of tour censure. It is a perilous thing to taste of human honor: if it makes you sick, it is the best thing it can do for you. If you despise it utterly, it is the only way of bearing it without being injured by it; for I say again, delight in the praises of others saps the foundations of a man's manhood: delight in the praise of men takes a man off from following after the glory of God, and makes him afraid of following the truth if it cost him ridicule.
Yet another thing I needed to hear! I was thinking about this subject on and off this past week, and Spurgeon just nailed it with this quote:
That same spirit which makes us love the praise of men makes us dread the threats of men.
Indeed. My reading this weekend included John 5:44, which would almost certainly be the basis of a sermon like that:
"How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?"
Just saying...Spurgeon is awesome.
He is in glory now so I deem it okay to offer my respect to Spurgeon. He could say so much with so few words.
Thanks Phil. I believe your Spurgeon post today helped to save me $119.85 (well, actually $79.90 cause I was going to call within the first 20 min and get one payment off).
I generally only watch infomercials while folding laundry. Today I got sucked into one on the 3 minute legs. Toning in 3 minutes - girls in bikinis giggling about the 5 inches they lost off their waste, hips, legs. I actually wrote the number down on a sheet of paper! I had 10 min left to get in on the deal --pressure--Then I remembered having read your post by Spurgeon this morning and it didn't take me long to snap out of my daze and realize that the real reason I wanted this thing was to look great.
Why is this a constant temptation?!? I'm 43 yrs old! When will this end?!? (fade to memories of my grandmother's 8o something year old leathery skin from spending hour upon hour laying out in the sun). Come Lord Jesus!
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