My dear wife and I had an absolutely terrific (if blindingly fast) weekend, and I probably have some great pictures to show you... but not now. Grr.
Valerie and I hit the road around 4:30 Thursday afternoon. I'd been up since 0-dark-30, but was powered by some characteristically wonderful Peet's coffee (best coffee on Earth — seriously). We headed down south to have our first Pyro board meeting since T4G08.
Fast-forwarding, Valerie and I had a wonderful time with the Turks and the Johnsons, and with all their delightful assorted kids and spouses and grandkids; we also saw my sister, as well as longtime friend and best-man Tom Lusby, took a lot of pictures... and I've nothing to show for it.
Well, not yet anyway. Since I'm not a Mac user, I'm not accustomed to horrendous hardware problems requiring special trips to special stores, so this is a little new to me. My camera suddenly won't turn on, and I can't get my Gateway to read the card. Shyam's initial attempts at helping me were also unsuccessful, and then I was out of time.
So I'm stuck, with nothing to show but memories (which don't post as graphics). Not yet, anyway.
Other people took pictures. Frank's dear wife did, the friendly folks at Grace to You did. I did too... but, me? I've got nothing.
Well, okay, that's not entirely true. I have a few from my iPhone. But you can't possibly care about them. Still... since I've got nothing....
Here's the sundae I had at Rocky Cola cafe with our friends the Lusbys:
Yes, it was also a temporary vacation from Dr. Atkins. Back on the wagon now. Also, we were reportedly sitting at the very booth that the guy who was president before George W. Bush sat at when he came through. Brr-r-r.
And here's me with a cola Fred Butler recommended from Galco's, a really amazing soda shop featured in the video that was the sixth item on the Hither and Thither of 6/4/10. I am really grateful to Fred for reminding me of this store — I'd have forgotten, and kicked myself for it. They have a dizzying variety of sodas. We got the rose petal soda (delicious), several root beers for our kids as well as treats for in-town relatives, and I got a dandelion and ginger soda (also delicious).
Sorry. It's lame. I know it. But that's all I've got right now.

Dan's wife makes great peanut brittle.
I can't tell you what my favorite SciFi movie is.
Pink makes me itchy.
Phil Johonson is actually a complete marshmallow for those whom he loves.
That's my summary of the weekend.
Can't get it off the card?
Try Photorec.
It's free (GPL type free), has a good chance of recovering your unreadable media.
Actually this was very encouraging. Thanks for sharing your joy.
Where's the pyro shirt, Sensei?
What, one with "Grr" on it?
I was hoping for a photo with you in pyro gear doing a Hulk Hogan with your plaid shirt while holding the beverage.
oh how the mighty have fallen...
Get a Mac.
< chuckles >
I'm starting to think I've a dedicated coterie of ratings-haters. Is there, like, a Facebook page for it?
Well, the American Girly-man pic Phil posted was the only one I really needed to see. Laughed until I cried. Now all we need is a Pyro graphic of Phil as a marshmallow.....
Oh, and Macs are EEEEEVIL. Really. There are no holy words for how I feel about mine.
Did you take any of those "planking" pictures you guys were talking about?
Planking at the American Girl Doll store would had been for the ages.
There was talk of planking, but no group plank.
Man, I miss those Sundae's at Rocky Cola! Thanks for sharing, Dan.
Ah, se habla Rocky? Yep, it's a great place. We brought home a chocolate/PB cupcake for the boys.
I saw the pics and the various Pyro tweets Friday and thought, "What?? You and Valerie are here!?" And now you tell me that you went to Galco's?? I was thinking about going there this past Saturday!! But at least now I know which sodas I should pick, now that you guys have tested them! :)
That's right: we take the risk, so you don't have to.
Galco's sounds like an amazing place to go.
I wonder if anyone has tried all the soda they carry? I would be up for that challenge...
Ditto. Dear Wife said, if we were living down south we'd work our way through the stock. A lot of it features cane sugar, not fructose. There's also "retro" candy. It's definitely worth a diversion if you're anywhere near.
Owner told me they're expecting some anise soda sometime soon. Wouldn't that be a taste treat?
That sundae looks good....
Dude, it was: hot fudge and carmel, vanilla and mint choc chip, and nuts. Mm mmm.
Retro candy. Like Walnettos? I love little Walnettos. I hope all your mac troubles melt away like the calories you consumed on your lovely weekend. Looking forward to seeing more evidence of the good times in future posts.
Rachael, need deliverance. My Mac has behaved in true angelic fashion since I've had one. So user friendly.
DJP: anise soda? gross!
that sundae looked mighty good though! :D...sundaes are banned from my household's a house rule, no ice cream at home...
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