We're buried. No post today. But I am sure you people have comments you want to leave ...
07 June 2012

No. Why do you ask?
by Frank Turk
We're buried. No post today. But I am sure you people have comments you want to leave ...
We're buried. No post today. But I am sure you people have comments you want to leave ...
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I don't think I approve of the tone of this "No post today" post. I really think you could have disseminated this information in a much more loving, nuanced fashion.......
I don't have to time to leave a comment so not having a post actually fits into my busy schedule. Thank you for not posting today.
We have an open thread!!!
Cue Chantry.
Wow this is my big chance to pontificate about whatever strikes my fancy! wooooo hoooooo!
Well, you know, every open thread makes me want to Dance for Joy!
(Y'all know that's the theme song for Biologos, right?)
Man, y'all really are obsessed with Mark Driscoll. Get over it already.
I agree with Sheldon, and think that you should have met with each reader at a pub in order to give us this "no post" information personally.
Also: what do you mean by "you people"?!
Thanks for being buried in the Lord. I'm kind of overwhelmed now as well, and yet I like to visit you TeamPyro Three Amigos, when I can take a moment, and I always find some sort of blessing.
!Gracias mi amigos!
Wait, it's a pub now instead of a coffee shop? When did we go missional?
Is there a better name than “no post day ‘cause he’s buried?” How about ER3, wait, possible legal trouble. How about “The New ER – where everyone speaks his mind and no one is held accountable.” And they all did, and drank, what was right in their own eyes and some drank what was right in front of their eyes, being this is a pub and all…
Finally, a post I can understand!
Luther said the Word did all the work while he sat drinking Wittenburg beer at a pub. So there.
"Nash," homebrewer
PS: and furthermore:
The Manhattan Declaration
The Pope
Got this from Frank's Facebook this morning.
"They'd put cocaine and hookers on our benefits if we told them it's for the children."
Well since there seems to be a comfortable pub atmosphere here, I think I'll order my favorite drink and enjoy some lively banter.
Hey Nash, ya gotta love the Lutherans. Teetotalers they are not. Nothing wrong with having a nice brew over some stimulating conversation. And they use wine in their communion services, not grape juice. Now there's a plus!
A cheesesteak with a Weiss Beer please!
Plane Too Close To Ground, Crash Probe Told (headline)
Actually, other than Weiss Beer, I don't care for the stuff. I prefer a red wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot. There are a number of vineyards in the area where I live that have wine tasting tours. It's an enjoyable way to spend time with your significant other.
Best blog in the 'verse.
I'm prepared to say that mango habanero sauce is the best thing to happen to wings since the chicken.
Against the positive beer comments, read Robert Fulghum, he of "Everything I needed to know I learned in kindergarten" fame, who when he asked two urologists he knew if they had ever tasted their, er, product, said yes, and both of them said it (the product, you know, Gandhi drank it) tasted exactly like beer. Please serve me a Pepsi. Or better yet, I'll have a cup of coffee with Chantry as long as it isn't Irish coffee.
Hey Scooter, that sounds delicious.
I guess you just made it easier for me to survive if I find myself stranded in the desert with no water.
Are we really talking about this?
Kerry, I hope you're not promoting Pepsi. Lots of unhealthy side effects to soda. My favorite soda is ginger ale, but I rarely drink it.
Red wine, on the other hand, has some excellent health benefits. And since there is no history of alcoholism in my family and I am not prone to excess, I am capable of enjoying a glass of wine with my meal or after dinner. Moderation is the key.
Nonna = Bloomberg ;)
Dang. I was hoping some backwoods fundobaptist would show up and say something about alcohol being of the devil. Where's Carrie Nation when you need her?
Hey Nonna, before I commented I saw these words: "Beer, pub, cocaine, hookers." Oh, I get it. I must have implied something more offensive: Teetotalism.
If you want something profound....
Point du Hoc by the (2nd) great communicator.
Thanks Grandpa
I am stupefied that a post announcing no post gets 29 (now 30) comments. Oh the power you guys have.
Which Bloomberg? No need to be cryptic. :-)
That wouldn't happen to be the same kind of FundyBaptists that think Jesus drank grape juice, would it?
Let's not get too serious. Open threads are supposed to be fun - even a place where teetotalers and wine drinkers can get along. What do ya say? Cheers!
My dear Daddy was wounded on the beaches of Normandy. Memory Eternal!
Let us never forget their sacrifice. WWII was a horrific but necessary and just war. Oh that my students could have appreciated these poignant history lessons.
Daphyne, I'm with you :-)
I generally worship with Lutherans but I'm a teetotaler. Hmmmmmm. So maybe I should check out the Fundobaptists? I don't see one of those in our local area. Odd. I don't have a pointy hat so I can't pontificate. And I don't dance. Oh well.
I have an idea. Maybe the guys should come back. And soon!
The Bloomberg who speaks of sugary drinks as though they could cause the fall of western civilization.
Just remember there is a time for compromise. That time is LATER . . . (translation of Latin inscription on the Turk family crest).
The Fundobaptists are only called that by those outside of their circle. And just so you know, there's a list of what might be considered "of the devil" or "evil".
Card playing
Attending the cinema
Women wearing pants
Women wearing make-up
Rock music
Drums used in worship
Electric guitars used in worship
Being a Democrat
Being a Libertarian
All other economic systems other than Capitalism
Perhaps you can add to the list.
Very well then, Eric. You misread me. But the truth is, there are no health benefits to drinking soda. But I really don't think that will cause the fall of any civilization. Western civilization has far worse enemies than soda, margarine, fast food joints and the like.
I'm far more libertarian in my view that the government should get their noses out of our private lives.
Nonna said: "Western civilization has far worse enemies than soda . . . " EXCEPT Mr. Pibb.
Wait, you mean it's not a sin for men to wear makeup?
Government, schmovernment, all I know things are getting ender and ender…
But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer.
In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following.
Sorry Nonna, not taking the bait. I try to avoid disputes with women whose husbands are always given the last word, that being "Yes, dear."
Amen, Dac.
(You never know what you're going to see on Open Thread Day.)
Ah Kerry, you assume you know. And you beat your wife, right?
Wait, you mean it's not a sin for men to wear makeup?
Not if they're a stage actor or a t.v. anchor. :-) Generally speaking though, I'd say where there's makeup there just might be cross-dressing.
After being gone all day, I'm sorta disappointed. I think this thread needs Maky G.
Nonna- yes the grape-juice-drinking-Jesus ones. Exactly. The ones who are opposed to paying any heed to extrabiblical "early church fathers" sources, except when they realize they need those sources to "prove" that the moderate use of alcohol is of the Devil.
Fundobaptist is my own term (I think I made it up but I'm not sure, so don't savage me if I didn't and only think I did). It rolls off the tongue more easily than Fundy Baptist does. I usually add "backwoods fundobaptist" to the name to designate a form of legalistic teetotaling Christianity that came about due to the extreme isolation of 19th century rural America and never broadly existed in Europe because they weren't isolated and were subject therefore to critique and couldn't go completely feral. OK I explained myself now.
Man this open thread thing is cathartic isn't it? Genius!
PS: I don't wear makeup. My looks are ugly beyond redemption, beyond the ability of anything that superficial to help much. You might say that my face is totally depraved.
Like you said - "let's not get too serious". I was joking with the Bloomberg reference - notice the winking smiley face. I didn't misread you at all, just havin' a little fun.
It would be great if this post generates the most comments ever on this site.
Feral? Did Nash just call me feral? Yeeeeeeeeeeeee.
No I'm not sure why you say that Larry. I said that some church movements went feral due to too much isolation including unaccountability. Which is how they came up with, for example, teetotaling (which I have nothing against) as a Biblical principle rather than as a personal choice. I assume you can see that point; maybe I didn't state if very well. I didn't say "teetotalism = feral."
I was joking with the Bloomburg reference
Good. We don't want to be like the madman in Proverbs.
While I think soda, margarine, fast food, and a host of other things is unhealthy, I don't think the government has the right to deprive people of eating those things.
Thanks for that cogent explanation. There are teetotalers and then there are TEETOTALERS. The latter being those who go to such extremes as: My Jesus never drank wine. It escapes me how they get around the second chapter of the Gospel of John.
Those who are teetotalers by personal conviction and do not expect others to conform to their conscience are ok with me. Having worked in drug and alcohol rehab, I'd say there are occasions when abstaining from alcohol is the right course of action out of love for one's brother/sister.
That's not gonna happen. Not that I'm a prophetess or any such thing. :-)
Nonna - absolutely right. Teetotaling and moderate alcohol use are both fine w/ me. Saying that moderate alcohol use is unChristian isn't fine w/ me, only because it can't be justified using the Bible.
Saying that moderate alcohol use is unChristian isn't fine w/ me
Nash, we agree on something. Hooray!
It's ok. It was open thread day. Just rabmbling along with the flow. (I though anyway). Sorry dude!
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Cool with me. Thanks Larry!
Hi Guys, I'm looking for research into carbon dating as it's used as a primary reason to justify the theory of evolution. Do you have any recommended resources on carbon dating? Thanks, M.
Hey what did team pyro do to Challies that you no longer appear in his list of recommended blogs?
Let me chime in on the "Fundobaptists" debate here. I get just a wee bit tired of people perpetually knocking fundamentalists, partly since there's an important sense in which I would identify with said group.
I know the truly Pharisaical type, so I realize it isn't an impossibility. Such people do exist in the Church, and they can be pretty nasty, narrow-minded, etc. But they're pretty dinosaur-ish, and they don't have much of an influence. It's frankly not a real threat in the Church today. We have more important things to complain about. Meanwhile, silly things like making women wear skirts, forbidding people from playing cards, etc., are often intertwined in people's lists of "silly stuff fundoBaptists believe" with things that should be genuine concerns. For example, Nonna put them in the same list as fear of Democrats, when the Democrats truly are the party of death, and I think any Christian should feel guilty for voting Democrat in this day and age. So that is what I perceive as the real danger---a chasing after insignificant red herrings while the true looming threat goes unnoticed and unopposed.
In a spirit of equal opportunity censure, I will now critque the Episcopalians, Lutherans (of all stripes), Catholics, Orthodox (as in Eastern), Christian Missionary Alliance, Wesleyans, Methodists (of all stripes), Pentecostals, Assemblies of God, Churches of God, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, Presbyterians (of all stripes), Church of the Brethren, Mennonites (Old Order and Otherwise), Amish, Seventh Day Adventist, Anglicans, Bible Fellowship, Evangelical Free, Quakers...
Hmmm...did I miss any? I'm sure I did. Now that I've given it some thought, I think I'll back out of such a massive proposition. :-)
Don't get me wrong. I'm an egalitarian critic. I just don't think such commentary would be germane in this meta.
I spent a few moments trying to figure out what your point was... then I realized it just WAS pointless, so I felt better.
A smile came to my face. Points are like beauty...in the eye of the beholder and all.
If it makes you feel any better, there are quite a few Kool-aide drinkers outside of the Fundobaptist Camp. Though I think when idiosyncrassies of our particular camp are cited we can feel offended or defensive. You may get tired of people knocking fundobaptists since you identify with them. However, the idiosyncrasies are quite true of certain kinds of fundies nonetheless.
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