Thursday my doctor confirmed what I was beginning to think: I need to cut out everything non-essential in my life that causes stress without giving me any cardiovascular benefit. I hate when geriatric patients recite the details of their medical reports, so let's just say that the doctor was serious: It's time for me to stop burning the candle at both ends. Darlene emphatically affirmed that diagnosis. Everyone who loves me is likewise in hearty agreement.
So: (gladly, with no reluctance whatsoever) I'm officially retiring from blogging, social media, and every other activity that intrudes on things that ought to be the real priorities in the final two decades of a man's life.
I started blogging 7 years ago because I was concerned about the drift of postmodern evangelicalism and the Emerging Church Movement. I've said everything I have to say about that issue—and many more issues. In fact, as I think about it, I have probably at one point or another blogged about almost everything I'm really passionate about. I don't have any significant opinions left.

Thanks for reading and responding to my posts over the years. I'm handing over the PyroManiacs' master keys to Frank and Dan (who are both better bloggers than I am anyway). They can do with the blog whatever they like: conscript Chantry to be the third man, have a contest to recruit other new team members, or simply close up shop. (But if you guys opt for the latter, please leave the archives online as a kind of Ebenezer.)
Most people don't realize this, but Frank, Dan, and I did not know one another when we started blogging. By the time we formed a group blog in January of '06, I had met Frank only once and Dan never. But I had been reading what they wrote at their own blogs, and felt certain we would work well together as a team. That turned out to be a good call—but all credit for keeping the machinery of our teamwork well-oiled goes to them, not me. Best of all, we've become good friends, and that friendship (including fellowship with our families) will continue. I promise.
But my blogging stops here. I've already got more than enough deadlines to keep me busy for the rest of my life, without the additional stress of writing 2-3 weekly posts and trying to keep up with every controversy in the blogosphere. As interesting as that is, it's not my most important duty—by a long shot. And at my age, nothing would be more tragic than letting my priorities get confused.
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all" (2 Thessalonians 3:18).

1. All of Phil's posts here and at the original Pyromaniac blog will remain here and there until Google crashes or Jesus returns.
2. To my knowledge, the spurgeon.org server will remain up and running with the Spurgeon Archives utterly in tact.
3. Phi's announcement is that he is leaving these things as finished works, not as trash at the curbside, so let's maintain our perspective.
Right now Dan and I have no plans to "replace" Phil, as if that was even possible. However, we also have no plans of shuttering this blog. What gets said here still needs to be said, and nobody else is going to say it. To paraphrase a great line, these posts aren't going to write themselves.
Back to the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
So long and thanks for all the fish!
Bon Voyage, Phil! Thanks for all the great posts!
May your trees abound with acorns!
Good bye Phil thanks for everything you've written, on the blog, on twitter, or on facebook.
So Dan leaves California and the weight of fighting the rest of the state without your blogger-in-crime completely stresses you out? Understandable. God bless - I am sure we will be seeing and hearing plenty of you, perhaps the first Phil Johnson book, with Dr MacArthur's forward? I think I also saw something about you in an anti-ER type of video conference.
What's next for Pyro, changing the default time zone to Central??
I'm kind of depressed now.
Arg. You miss be missed on this blog, friend. May God's love be with you, always.
Thanks for the valuable time you gave us. We're the better for it.
Hate to see you go, but you've done some good work. Bon Voyage, and thanks for all your time!
I have learned and grown a lot from your posts. Thank you and enjoy.
What can I say, but "thank you". You've taught me so much over my morning cup of coffee. God bless you, Phil Johnson.
Thanks Phil, you've been a blessing to me and my ministry.
That's gonna leave a gaping hole in the blogosphere. God's grace and peace and mercy go with you, Phil. You have no idea how much you've taught me.
Thanks for all your great insights and wisdom.
We are all very thankful for your hard work with the team here at Pyro.
I'm 45 and saved back in 2004ish. My homepage for the first 4 years was Slice. I grew and was encouraged by my pastor to lay off Slice. I did and Pyro has been my home page ever since.
I have enjoyed reading the blog, searching the CHS archives, listening to several of your sermon series and seeing you at the SConf. What helpful resources and tools! You even helped me with my churches radio ministry a few years back.
I can't even explain how the Lord has used you to help me, my family, the men I study with and even the people in the Sunday school classes that I am privileged to lead now.
God's speed. Finish strong.
To God be the Glory!
While I'm disappointed you're dropping the blog, I certainly understand the reasons and you have placed your "baby" in good hands. I'll see you in the GCC pulpit soon!
God be with you 'till we meet again!
I can't believe it, Phil! I just can't!
But this new season in your life, and in the life of your family, is of the utmost importance. I pray that God draws you even closer in the ensuing years; you have been such an inspiration to me and so many people around the globe.
We can still be blessed by listening to your sermons over a The Grace Life Pulpit.
God bless you, dear brother in Christ!
You will be missed, here and elsewhere in the social/blogosphere.
Many thanks and God bless.
Thanks for helping me to seriously think through important matters, and giving us all a great example of how to stand for the truth with grace and clarity. Strange never meeting you, but yet somehow missing you from now on. I too will be catching your sermons. God Bless you, Phil! P.S. Any thoughts on taking up cycling? It's done quite a lot for James White's long-term health, I think.
I rarely commented over the years, but I have been a regular reader. I began reading in high school when I was a loose Arminian and a wishy-washy evangelical. Your writing here on Pyro was one of the bigger factors in getting me to seriously reconsider how I lived and viewed my faith. You were a big influence in moving me towards a more Biblical faith.
Now I'm in seminary pursuing ordained ministry. Thank you.
Goodbye Phil, I hope you do the occasional speaking gig in your home town next year though....wink wink....
I wish you the very best Mr. Johnson and may you have many more years of service that you think. In the Lords timing and His blessing.
What a weird thing.
Thousands of miles away and it feels like I'm loosing a friend who has invested som much in me, without even knowing it.
Will miss your insights and stern rebukes.
There is a hole but guess what, God will fill it with another.
Enjoyed your teaching, at least I can still download your sermons but, the blog just felt more personal.
God bless you brother.
Hope you still plan to come to Mpls for Psalm 119 next year...
Quite a shocker! You have done a lot for me by listing my blog on Pyromaniacs and plugging it ever once in a while. I thank you for that...and for all your time spent in encouraging everyone with your posts!
May God richly bless all your work for Him. You will be missed!
I suppose Frank could photoshop you into the scenery on occasion, but it just won't be the same without you! I'll keep coming back, though, until the doctor's orders demand otherwise. Thanks for creating this blog and providing content worth my attention and discussions worth my time.
And I thought your blogs were as easily put on "paper" as an old man's ramblings at the barber shop! Ease up your rants old man! Maybe you should use that Dragon software that will write everything you speak on, and automatically stick it on the blog? Hey, just a thought! Love your blogs, will miss your biblical thoughts. Rest up, but don't let up on your podcasts!
We'll miss you in the blogosphere, Phil, but I trust you're making a wise decision. Thanks for helping keep me focused all these years. Godspeed.
You will be missed!
Godspeed Phil. Thank you for all you've done. I have been greatly helped by your service to God. I appreciate your personable nature. I pray God's blessing for you and all the future holds for you - to God's glory.
It's the end of an era. While Frank and Dan will no doubt do an awesome job, your presence will be sorely missed in the blogosphere . That said, I heartily applaud your reason for leaving. May God richly bless your family, your ministry and your health, and may the coming years be extraordinarily satisfying and fruitful. Thank you for being a blessing to me personally.
Thank you so much for all you have been and done for the cause of Christ and His Church (and not only through in this blog). After 30 years of being a false "Christian" God revealed His holiness to me against my sinfulness 6 years ago, and I was born again. This was the first blog I happened upon and started reading seriously, praise God for that grace. I was shown early on distinctions between true and false, and right and almost right, and in a way that set an example of grace and integrity.
You are going to be sorely missed, but I'm sure this is a right decision. Now go have some extra fun with Darlene and those grandarlings :-)
In Christ,
God bless you for the wonderful teaching you've provided on this blog! I've been blessed and edified so much.
You never knew me. But Christ knows me, and because of your impact and convicting posts, I am a better, educated Christian than without you. The times I was dry and couldn't figure out why...you, Dan and Frank (and the guffaws from your immensely talented son who has your gift of writing/communication, and humor that is second to none, from Pecadillo) helped me to focus on the Scriptures to help show me where I was in error. I've got a long ways to go in my walk with Christ to full sanctification, but brother, let me tell you...your impact on my walk with Christ was more profound than you'll ever know. I am sad you are leaving the Interwebs, but permit me, if possible, to throw one very, very small piece of advice at you to reaffirm your decision:
You say you might have 10-15 years left. Why, you don't even know if today will be your last (James 4:14). Just continue to love Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Like others, I pray you finish strong!
I will also miss the Spurgeon archives, as, obviously, that is under your care as well. Or will you keep that going?
Take care, God bless, and may we cross paths someday here or in heaven. Well done, Phil. Well done. My prayer is that you'll keep it up until the Lord tarries you home.
We'll miss the posts, Phil.
Hey Phil,
Shocked and sad. Thats what I felt when I read this post. But I understand your decision. I really enjoyed all your posts and your sarcastic tones. I was edified by many of your posts. They were even better that most of the Sunday sermons I have heard. I will miss you terribly, man.
Read many of the comments above. They are some fitting examples of the result of your blogging. Anyways God shall continue to bless you for the remaining part of your life also. Please post some blogs occasionally :-)
GLORY TO GOD for sharing your walk, with us, so far...Praise be to our King, for your stead fast love and passion for HIS truths.
Peace be with you.
I will miss your posts and wisdom, Phil, but appreciate your modeling balance and prioritizing.
I stumbled upon this blog at a time when our church was wandering into postmodernism/emergent/seeker junk. You (and Dan and Frank) helped us to understand and sort through what was happening around us. It was a difficult, lonely time, but we realized that we weren't the only ones and what we learned here helped to guide our family to a solid, biblical church. I'll always be grateful to you for that. God bless you in your future endeavors!
*~* Glad we'll still see you at church.
To God be the glory! It isn't about us anyway, is it? :) God gets the glory for His work through you on this blog. I praise Him that He is doing more work in you, by way of this decision. I pray that the Lord will bring you to our minds often so that we can pray for His continued work in you and through you. Can't wait to hear about how you are physically healthier in the coming days :)
graceb4me (tamra mehlberg)
Brother Phil, thank you for your uncompromising commitment to Scripture over the years. Your postings as well as your messages at GCC and conferences abroad have helped me wrap my head around many an issue in seminary and in ministry. I pray the Lord bless you with many more years of fruitful ministry.
PS: Don't forget to pass on the keys to your Bookmarks site - that's still a great place for quick info on the... messy stuff out there.
I was so caught up in the moment I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday!
I am shocked! Time flies, I can't believe it has been 7 years already (I started blogging the same time you did (approx.). I know I have'nt been the best interlocutor here, so I appreciate you puttting up with me :-). And I have to say, when I was diagnosed with cancer, and you gave me Isaiah 26:3 on my blog; that really encouraged me at that time. It showed me the kind of godly character you have. Anyway, blessings; I know you'll continue to make an impact in all the ways you do through Grace Community and Grace to you.
Really, really, going to miss you here, but I do pray that in the goodness of the Lord retired will just mean Re-Tyred, and that in his purposes there's a lot of miles in you yet sir!
I still have copies of some of what you wrote on the old Reformed Listserv 18 or so years ago. I stii benefit from them. And, your emails were very helpful when I was forced to deal with the Drew Farley heresy in our church. Thank you. You are Legend.
Sorry to see you go...(you're 59??? wow!) Just kidding...
God bless you brother, and thank you for all you've done these 7 years.
Going to miss you Phil! You truly set the standard for blogging!
Thanks Phil.
I was one of your first readers, and remember your first postings before it was a group blog. About four years ago I quit posting and commenting for the same reasons, but still frequently returned to read, especially when something interesting was happening in American evangelicalism.
I really appreciate you. Thank you for being a faithful servant all this time. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Thank you, Phil, for all the good work you've done online! It will keep bearing fruit, even while you're away.
I don't remember when I first came across your Spurgeon material and some of your other work, but it seems like so long ago. There's a lot you've done that I'm grateful for. You'll be missed, and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
"God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints." (Hebrews 6:10)
I'm glad that you are making the smart choice, though I will miss your posts.
I'm in a less advanced year than you, but I have had some experience with having to drop things that interest me for the sake of things of greater importance.
Congrats on making it this far. :^D
God bless, Phil.
Well, you'll be missed, Phil, but I think it was fairly obvious to most of us that "blogger" was way, way down on your list of accomplishments and priorities. We understand.
Either that or you just couldn't adjust to the new blogger captchas. I swear the one I'm about to type in is a smiley-face.
thank you Phil,
you and this blog have meant much to me over the years, I've not commented much (i get self conscious) but i have been here reading and learning since i found out smearodactyls where on the ark. you have my most sincere appreciation.
I have read this blog since the day it started. I was so excited that you started it because your other Spurgeon website was such a great resource. I have appreciated everything you have written, and much of what you have written has been to sharpen the saints in understanding the numerous threats to the integrity of the Church and the honor of God. Not only that, but I am thankful for things you do behind the scenes. I will never forget that you and Darlene offered to try and reach my daughter down in your area and invite her to church. It does bum me out that TSA agents will have more contact with you than us, your good friends. :)
Good-bye, Phil. I rarely commented here, but read often, and you will be missed. I appreciate what you've written here over the years - I have been blessed by reading and learning, and I'm sad to see you go. Thank you!
Wow, so strange how we grow attached to people online whom we have never met and feel such sadness when they "unplug." Thanks Phil for challenging me through your words to love Jesus more, know Scripture better, and contend more earnestly for the faith. You will be missed. I'll have to look you up (if such a thing is possible) when we get to heaven. Soli Deo Gloria!
Thanks, Phil, for always being nice to the homeschool moms. God bless you!
Thank You for (always) earnestly contending for the faith... And may God continue to richly bless you and equip you for His glory!
I am shocked and saddened (almost to the point of disbelief) by your departure, but understand your need to focus on your health. Since about 2006, I have greatly enjoyed your writing here on this blog, and your works at the Spurgeon Archive and GraceLife. I had the pleasure to meet you in the fall of 2010 when you preached at CBTS in Virginia Beach. You have been a tremendous godly influence on my life, helping me to understand how to properly know the truth. For that, I thank you, and hope that God continues to use you in the years to come.
Hasta la vista, Phil. Vaya con Dios.
" I suppose Frank could photoshop you into the scenery..."
Or, Eddy Eddings could create an Eph 1 rocket-propelled grenade in your likeness.
Your posts (and this site generally), along with Jim Bublitz's work at OldTruth, were helpful in my early exposure to Reformed theology & ecclesiology.
Thanks from an reformed evangelical Anglican Downunder!
This must be an internet prank. Or maybe your doctor must be emergent. I'm going to miss your wit and sound input on several issues within the blogospere. Thanks for setting the bar where it should be and always reminding the world that salvation is by grace a lone, thru faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone as underlined in scripture alone.
I approve.
Thank you Phil for your work you have put into this blog.
Thank you also for--even in your last post--reminding all us younger guys that local church ministry is more important and critical than any national platform could be!
I can think of a few people who are probably jumping up and down with joy in their offices about right now. Don't count me among them. Thanks for being a warrior, Phil.
Thank you for your posts and for spurgeon.org. God providentially used both sites to open my eyes to the doctrines of grace.
God bless you, Phil!
Phil, good on you. I like seeing my elders, by two weeks, slow down. Guess I'll have to consider not commenting on blogs as a way to follow your example.
Enjoyed and edified by your blogging.
Phil, thanks for the edification throughout the years, from this blog, to editing for Dr Mac, to your sermons online. So, until the other side of glory, may “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.” Num 6:24-26
I have one or two of your posts permanently bookmarked (sp. the one on hyper-Calvinism). I'm going to miss you. Thanks, dude.
Phil, as a fellow Spurgeon aficionado (fanatic?), I would have to say you and Bob Ross at Pilgrim have done more than any two men in our times to keep Spurgeon "alive" to a new generation that desperately needs to hear from him.
Thank you, brother.
"God will not let His people work for nothing; and though the reward is not of debt, but of grace, yet verily there is a reward for the righteous." CHS
Thanks Phil for all the great posts. God Bless You Brother!
Never would have thought someone that I met only once would have such an impact on my life. I am grateful to God for your service and I too will miss you on Pyro but I am sure that you are going to continue to impact lives for Christ. Blessings to you my brother!
Go in peace, be warmed and filled... and know that God has used you to work on me. I'm grateful.
I began to frequent this blog because of you, Phil. Your writing was always good and deep and readable. And we had common cause on many things that are adrift in evangelicalism, from biblical inerrancy to fashionable trendiness.
We of course disagree on some key theological points. But with me and others of differing perspective you always fought fair, even as you fought hard. Even your comments were meaty. Not for you the way of the sniveler or the craven, self-admiring phrase maker. I always looked forward to your posts most of all. They will be missed.
Arrgh! Gnash!
I'm EXTREMELY sad to read this... but I understand. There is something about constantly having too much to do that is stressful at any age, and at the cusp of one's seventh decade, that's not good at all.
As a result of this blog I have gotten to see Phil's pastorly spirit and his sincerity and scholarliness as well. I'm glad I can still listen to his teachings online!
Phil, all the best.
Thanks for your work... it was this blog that jolted me out of lackadaisical cultural christianity into true biblical doctrine and practice. Odds are, without the landslide of theological curiosity triggered by this blog, I'd still be sputtering along in the post-emergent wasteland. So thank you, deeply.
Hey, I'm two years older than you Phil. :-) , However, you will be missed brother... I have learned much from you, especially in the area of quiet patience...
Thank you dear brother in Christ.
Great. From here on out, it's going to be comic books, Legos and bacon.
Thanks, Phil. Happy Birthday. I'll be praying for your health and for your ministry.
I guess that this proves that you're not a robot...as for the rest of us, we're stuck with typing these words for blogger.
Very sorry to hear this news, but I understand the importance of keeping the important priorities, so God bless you Phil!
But a thought: if you retire, who's going to update the dead links in the annotated bookmark gallery of 'bad theology'? (Actually, maybe that's a GOOD thing that several of those bad theology links are dead...)
Thanks for the many posts and articles over the years, Phil. I have learned a lot from you.
Enjoy the second half of the half full glass Phil....and a wise decision to listen to your wife.. :) :) Gods Blessings to you and your family..
Thanks for your commitment to the Word. Press on in your new priorities. Maybe an occasional "guest blog" -- never say never.
Thank you, Phil! You've been a blessing here, and no doubt you'll continue to bless those in your closer geographical circle :-) Looking forward to meeting you in heaven someday!
Bittersweet news, Mr. Johnson. It's kind of like when Henry left for the states in M.A.S.H., except you didn't get shot down over the sea of Japan.
Thanks for all the work you've done, Phil! May the Lord make you even more fruitful in these coming years than all the preceding ones.
Thank you Phil!
Wise move Phil.
You've made an impact on my life, both in what you write and how you write.
You (with Frank and Dan) put so much stuff onto my radar, so many other websites, so much valuable teaching, so much...
And to think I landed here because years ago I was looking for more Creation Science info and accidentally landed on the Pyro site with a search for Philip Johnson.
I'm not sure that I looked to the other guy more than once or twice since. But this has become my favourite and most helpful stop on the interwebs.
Bless you and your family.
Thanks so much Phil. I'm merely a lurker but I want to add my little piece for a change since your posts so often convict or inspire me.
I agree, you've got an excellent team here, and I look forward to seeing a continuing stream of excellent posts from Cent and DJP... But your contribution will be missed.
Take care of yourself! And God bless you!
Thanks for the memories, Phil. I have a feeling we're still going to hear from you in the meta and on the occasional guest-post. Blessings.
Phil, thank you for all you've done and said to safeguard, build up, and guide the Body of Christ. Your voice will be missed in this digital world, but we know your voice is and will continue to be strong as long as the Lord gives you breath. May God bless your ongoing service and miniistry to the Body of Christ, and to your family.
We see so many 'famous' preachers get soft in their old age, and that softness brings what they call 'wider mercy' to what Jesus calls the narrow path. Praise God that you have the sense to prioritize now, before your eyes loses their sharp gaze and before your heart softens to mush, making the gospel confusing to those who have followed you and counted on your wisdom in these alarming days. May God's grace be with you and thank you for departing while you're still strong and wise and have your wits about you.
I don't remember ever commenting here at Pyro. But I am a reader and I am so sad to see you go.
I confess, this sadness is selfish though. I admire your motivation to finish well and to do away with all the distractions. You have set the bar high for your brothers.
Thank you for the years of service to your brothers and sisters online. Your work has not been vein.
May the Lord bless you and yours.
What can I add to what's been said, but thank you, Phil, for all you've contributed to my spiritual life through this blog. It's not like you're retiring from Christian service, and nothing is preventing you from being a "guest poster" or "blogger emeritus" if something happens to spark a writing session. No doubt Frank and Dan would be happy for the occasional contribution. After all, you are Pecadillo's father. ;)
Thanks for all you've done here, Phil. I'm going to miss your posts -- they were both edifying and equipping.
However, I want you to be around for many more years, so good choice to cut some stress and focus on essential tasks. Blessings to you and your family!
Grace be with you, Phil.
Your character and message at The Shepherd's Conference in '08 had a profound impact on my walk. God used you mightily in a young Christian surrounded by liberalism, post-modernism, etc. I am grateful to God for your work here, and now I suppose I will have to glean the back issues of the Pyro blog for instruction and encouragement (this is not to say Frank and Dan do not teach/edify me... the blog lives on in capable hands and I'm excited for the next chapter). I will most certainly continue to be blessed by the pulpit ministry God has appointed you to; I trust the Lord will bless it.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Thank you so much, Phil, for all that you have taught me through the years. And here you are, setting a godly example yet again. God bless you and Darlene!
Thanks brother for our faithful service to the Master and for loving the Church. Blessings to you on your Birthday!
Randy Kirkland
Way to go, Phil. Will pray as you transition to the next season. And will look ahead to the continuing Psalm series.
Phil, it was a great privilege for me to see you in person last May in Montana. Your preaching on Ephessians was a blessing. I do not know if you remember but many years ago I asked your permission to translate one of your articles to spanish (Jesus-Jehova) and it has been of great help, many times!.
Alexander León - Costa Rica
If it is not fun to blog, why do it?
I'm going to make a book out of all your old posts. Could you edit it for me? And by the way, have it done by July 15? Thanks!
Seriously, you will be MUCH missed, brother. Praying for you and yours.
Piers: Bingo.
Thank you Phil! Thank you for being a good soldier for Jesus. Thank you for caring enough to say the hard things.
Finish well and strong. May you hear the highest praise in the final accounting "Well done my good and faithful servant".
I am sad and glad at the same time...
In order to be "Christlike" in this comment, I am going to say something on behalf of your readers today, that you will hear from the Master "on that day"...
Echoing the comments of appreciation and some sadness. By God's grace you have been used as a tool to impact more people from more diverse backgrounds than you will ever realize. May God be praised.
While Frank likes to note that "someone is wrong on the internet", it can also be noted thankfully that oftentimes "someone is right on the internet".
Thanks Phil.
Here is my tribute to Phil Johnson. I may finish rewriting the song - or not.
God bless Phil! You have been a blessing.
You will be missed.
Your Biblical, wise, discerning, humble, convicting, encouraging, challenging, prophetic (in the non-Biblical sense) and very pastoral posts over the years have been educational, edifying and an important part of my weekly diet for years. Sorry to see you retire from blogging, but you indeed have more important priorities. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry that affects literally millions of people around the globe for the sake of Christ and the gospel.
I, too, am saddened by this news. I understand and applaud your decision to keep first things first. However, you have taught and encouraged me so much in the last year or so that I have been reading Pyro, that I am going to miss your posts. You (and all the guys at Pyro) strengthened my very weak theology, helped illuminate the narrow way for me so I didn't veer off the path in today's anything goes culture, but most importantly, led our family to find a wonderful, faithful church with a godly pastor (who ironically, is set to marry a wonderful young lady who goes to Bible study at GCC - small world!). You will be missed dearly, brother.
God's abundant blessings in Christ,
Thanks for all that you've done Phil; enjoy your retirement!
We met at T4G12 and I just awkwardly told you how appreciative I was for your work while you were hanging with the fine MLJ Trust folks.
That does mean all of your collective work.
From your great sermons to introducing me to spurgeon to all of these pyro blog posts which have caused sanctifying reflection in my life and on the world around me.
Can't say enough about your impact on my spiritual life.
Doubtless you will have much more time to impact many more people and it will be less stressful than arguing with the twenty-something, spiritually vague/vogue emergents.
You will be missed.
with much love,
Logan Paschke
Sure am going to miss reading your insights into the issues facing the church today. Looking forward to seeing you and Darlene again -- perhaps at Kreloff's 35th anniversary as LCC's pastor-teacher in 2016. After all, you are the "official" speaker for those events.
Thanks, Phil, you were one of my favorite stops on the internet.
Thank you Phil for your precious insights in recent years. "Precious insights" is my lame grasp at finding words to articulate my gratitude for your commentary on the evangelical landscape. Your ability to wade through the minefields and spot fires of debate to penetrate ground zero on almost every subject. Francis Schaeffer asked the question "how should we then live?" Your writing Phil, has been instrumental in answering that question in the 21st century. May the Lord God grant you strength to run the rest of your race with maximum fruitfulness for our Great Savior. I look forward to the next time I see you at Grace Church!
I will miss your posts, Phil. You are a very gifted writer. I hope you make some periodic posts when the church needs it most!
Pro Rege!
There's not much I can add to what's already been said. Like many others, I've learned much from you through your writing here at Pyro. Thank you for your dedication to this ministry through the years. More so, thank you for your faithfulness to Scripture in every post. You will be missed. But then, I suppose by now, after 120+ comments, you already knew that. :-)
Thank you many times over. I've never met you in person, and only emailed you once when I came into possession of Spurgeon's 'The Treasury of David' in book form from the 1890's.
You've been a great beacon of grace and truth as you've held to the Gospel and to Christ through the stormy waves of the blogosphere.
I have every expectation of worshiping Christ with you in Heaven, if we never meet on Earth.
May God continue to lead you through a stress-free race to the finish line.
Your brother, Rob
We will miss you!
I'm 59, recovering from a heart "event" a week ago and my wife has begun reordering my priorities (particularly my menu) :-) We will miss you but we pray that God will order your priorities for his glory.
God bless you for your faithfulness, brother Phil! He has informed and otherwise blessed soooo many through you (including myself) via your blog entries here! I pray for even more peace and joy in your life as you exit Pyromaniacs and continue on in your journey this side of eternity.
P.S. It was great to finally meet you at the Minneapolis Psalm 119 conference last month also!
There goes my consistent TSA basher. Oh, and the spiritual stuff was nice, too.
Good for you Phil!
Your work stands on its own.
Time for those of us who you've mentored through the blog to step in and carry on the work.
Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and insight with so many!
Now you can sit back and 'watch it burn'.
Thank you for your example of rightling handling the word with precision and care.
May God make you more fruitful for the sake of Christ in the next chapter of your life and ministry.
Dear Phil,
As I recall, were you not the original "Pyromaniac"? I do enjoy Frank and Dan's posts, but also have enjoyed your ability to get to the heart of many of the issues you write about, always bringing everything back to Scripture.
And this blog was one that helped me become a "reformed" man. So thank you!!
You'll surely be missed, but it sounds like you're making a wise choice.
Abundant blessings to you in your continued ministry,
Alex Jordan
Sure hope Frank and Dan can Phil your shoes. Thank you for starting the blog and for bringing up two more to continue it.
Thanks for all the work you have put into this blog over the years, along with Frank and Dan.
It's been by turns edifying, convicting, challenging, and sometimes exasperating, but never fluffy and always substantive.
May God bless you in your ongoing and future endeavours.
Thanks for your contribution. Best of providence to you.
Phil, you will be profoundly missed. TeamPyro will not be the same without you...not at all. Thank you for your wisdom and your irenic spirit. God bless you.
While a "group" blog, this has always been your blog, with both Dan and Frank just coming over from their blog(s) to play with you. Now that sun is setting, why not just pull the shades and call it a night?
Dear Phil,
There are only 2 words that I can say, but they fall far, far short...Thank You!
Words just can't express how your writing and preaching have helped this pilgrim on her journey.
May God bless you, and keep you and may His face shine upon you!
because it would please you.
Your post have always been stellar. You will be missed.
May God continue to use you for His kingdom.
Phil said:
"I don't have any significant opinions left."
Somehow I doubt this statement.
Just for those pondering the wisdom in DAC's question, I have made 411 posts to this blog, DJP has made 680, and Phil has made 602. When you subtract the 339 doses of Spurgeon from Phil's total, he goes down to 263 posts.
He has been a kind host, but not a prolific one. I think most people would be stunned to find out that their favorite posts are probably written by Dan. I was stunned to find out that one of the teachers at church has two favorite posts "by Phil Johnson" from this blog which were actually written by me.
This is a common club house, and I am grateful that Phil used his reputation to launch the platform, but it is right now its own fully-functioning Gospel battle station. To abandon it seems ungrateful.
You are not only knowledgeable, but also a model of clear expository writing. Thanks.
captcha: "icyclear"
I could not possibly find words to express how much I have learned from reading your insights and thank our Good Shepherd for your writing skills and ability to express profound thoughts on a level for anyone to understand. It was a great honor to meet you at a Psalm 119 conference in Ohio last fall. May grace and peace be multiplied to you- and wisdom- as you continue to "fight the good fight." Thank you so much.
Phil, Thanks for all your blogs on the controversiial and/or unbiblical issues of our day, some of which were initiated and/or encouraged in my own mega church.
As Dan McGhee said "I can think of a few people who are probably jumping up and down with joy in their offices about right now."
Phil, I wont try to identify those few people but I'll conclude by saying ... You are Loved! :)
I'm sure that we will have our "Monthly Dose of Phil" with reposts of your work. Of course that would be up to FrankenDan :-)
May God bless your "final" productive years! And He will because it's for His glory.
Acts 20:36-38
Wait...but now who are we going to confuse Dan with? I don't recall anybody ever calling him Frank...
Surely, I hope that nobody is silly enough to think there is any wisdom in dac's question. The other blogs that Frank and Dan have are different than this one and it is good to have you guys balancing each other out on here with your varying styles of writing.
It would please me? That is not only uncharitable, but incorrect.
After all, where else would I go on the internet to find someone who is wrong? It was so convenient to find three in one place.
Phil, you will be missed, but as one who is just a year ahead of you I understand the value of prioritizing you time and efforts. May the Lord grant you many productive years, and may you finish well!
as to letting it go dark, it is actually a comment about preserving the legacy, not killing it.
Trusts, colleges, charities, societies, organizations, all have a tendency to change once their original creator is gone. At first (as it would be with djp and cent, i am sure), things continue on, sometimes even improve. However, as others are added and the old guard continues to slip away, the creator would be hard pressed to recognize the gollum that remains as his own creation.
(got a Tolkien reference in - bonus!)
Thank you for the time you gave us, Phil. The Lord has certainly used you as a great influence in my life. Indeed, In one way I am just beginning to reap the benefits.
Alas, life marches forward and with it new seasons. As much as I will miss you here, I take comfort that this is according to God's plan...for us both.
God Bless and I hope to meet you in person someday.
Nice words from the British Pyro, Carl Trueman: "TeamPyro is one of the few influential websites (OK, not really influential -- we are talking about the microscopic world of Calvinistic evangelicalism here) that is not owned by the evangelical establishment and is thus able to speak its mind, whatever the official line coming from the Top Men is (kudos to Dan Phillips for the link). Being blackballed in the same circles as Phil, all I can say is: I tried to learn from the master. Atque in perpetuum, frater, ave atque vale. We were not worthy."
Thanks for the online ministry, Phil. I know I was enriched by it. God bless and good health.
Tomorrow will be a great day.
Strength and honor! Thanks for your classy, tireless, and fearless contributions to Pyromaniacs. Continue the advance for Christ in your other realms of influence.
Thank you for your posts! Thank you for all the hard work. I'm a daily (or by time, a weekly) reader of Pyromaniacs since 2006. Your insights have blessed my life. God used you to open my eyes. May the Lord bless you and your ministry richly! I'll miss a lot reading you.
Frank: "What gets said here still needs to be said, and nobody else is going to say it."
Which, to be clear, is not as we wish.
But it is what it is.
For now.
Be blessed Phil! Thank you so much for all you have posted here, God has used you to encourage and challenge me over the last few years years I have been reading the Pyro blog.
And from Spurgeon again, if any of the ten spies are gloating: "Some minds are like stained glass windows; they shut out much of the light, and the little light that does struggle through, they colour after their own manner."
There are way too many things to thank you for Phil, so I'll say the big one: without your persistence exposure of evangelicalism's silliness, I would be adrift in its wake without any bearings. I thank God for your stance.
Happy belated birthday!
Like Paula, I found you and your other two Musketeers when our former church got caught in first wave of the Emergisional movement. And, like Paula, it was such a blessing to know we were not alone.
I always chuckled when people mixed the three of you up - your writing is so distinctively weighty and dense (in a good way, not in the vintage loopy Pyro commenter way!).
That's why I do worry about the possible intellectual decline with your absence. After all, one guy reads comic books, and the other has potentially idolatrous addictions to heart and brain-clogging stimulants like bacon and coffee...
There is a time for everything under the sun....a time to begin and a time to end. The same Lord that is in charge of the times and boundaries of the nations, is the same Lord that is in charge of the seasons of our life. May your most fruitful season of ministry be ahead of you! I believe it is.
Phil, I am sad at this end of an era but if I may add my thoughts to the sea of comments... Your Pyro posts and (even more so) your GraceLife sermons have worked a truly profound impact upon my orthodoxy and orthopraxy. I grew up in Charismatic circles but God had mercy on me and delivered me from error and heretical beliefs. Though I jettisoned Charismatic 'theology' years ago, Pyro & GraceLife have done so much to illumine and clarify exactly why I instinctively rejected it all in the first place. I don't want to make this all about Charismatic stuff either - Phil your posts and sermons have hugely challenged and enriched my sanctification (and by extension that of some of my friends as well). I am thankful beyond words that God in His providence allowed me to discover Pyro & subsequently GL. May God richly and deeply bless your health, family and ministry.
Regier your post made me guffaw btw
At first the title confused me a bit: What can Phil Johnson possibly have anything to do with MTV??
Then a second reading of the title rendered it ominous.
Thank you for starting this blog, Phil. There are good and challenging posts here, not to mention all the fun (and not so fun) jousting and brawling in the comment section. You will be sorely missed.
(No offense to Frank and Dan, but somehow "Two [Pyro] Amigos" just doesn't have the same ring....)
For Phil's life, his witness, and his words of wisdom here, God be thanked and praised. May his endeavors flourish, and may his spiritual influence continue in whatever mode God sees fit.
I want to thank you, Phil, for all that you've said, written and exhorted. I "met" you when the Lord introduced me to John MacArthur in 2008 - I've loved you both ever since. Grace and Peace to you, in Christ.
Thanks for your faithfulness! God used you to grow me in many formats and through many posts/mp3s/etc...
1 Cor. 15:58,
Mark Applegate
Phil--get on with it. Hope God has lots and lots more good in store for you.
'til we all come to a mature man, and the unity of the faith,
Thank you for your faithful witness here and elsewhere. God bless.
It takes a godly man to focus on his family and true biblical priorities that honor God. Todays rock star pastor would rather build his name rather than Jesus name. Phil has worked hard to make Jesus the star with his blogposts. He shines the light on Jesus, not himself. Well done Phil.
I truly don't know what I'm going to do with my 84 hours of spare time in the week now. I feel enormously sad but I am happy knowing that we will have you around (Lord willing) that much longer. You will be missed my friend!
Thanks for all the great commentary you've brought to the conversation Phil.
I should possibly take a page from the Johnson handbook instead of, well, writing 2 posts a month. It's best to finish strong...curiously strong.
Mr. Johnson,
I have been so tremendously helped by your labor during my stead here. I am incredibly thankful for the effort you have put forth, and am sure that I will continue to profit from your writings that are available. Perhaps more than any man other than my own pastor, God has used your words in teaching me. It was quite some time ago that I was also introduced to Spurgeon by you.
I am thankful for this blog, for your faithfulness over the years, and for the kindness of the Lord in using you to minister to all who have been helped here.
Praying for you and yours.
Oh..to clarify, when speaking about "contact", um, I didn't mean literally "contact" ya know. Bad choice of words when it comes to TSA!!!
Goodbye, Mr Johnson. Your impact through this blog is too great to fit in a tiny comment.
May God bless you in His amazing grace.
This makes me sad.
Did I miss a comment by donsands? He is, after all, a regular contributor and just loves Phil Johnson. I wonder if he is ill? I hope not!
I think the name Pyro should be retired with Phil. Thanks Phil for helping build up the body of Christ all these years on the www.
Phil thanks for all of the lessons. Your ministry has blessed me and matured me so much! I will be praying for you and your family. God bless!
I was offended by the tone of this post.
Dear Phil, Dan, and Frank,
I trust you are encouraged by the testimonies here of lives changed because you've dedicated yourselves to rightly dividing the Word of truth. This is always my first blog visit whenever I surf, and I wish I could fully internalize more than a shred of the wonderful apologetics and study you've invested in this place.
Thank you for adding something of eternal value to the emphemera of the Internet.
Dan and Frank, I will continue to be an avid reader and look forward to God's hand in your life and your continued ministry and fun here. Phil, may the Lord prosper and multiply your time so you may continue to scatter the seed of God's word widely and generously. You will be sorely missed, so please placate us with a Pyro Emeritus post once a year or so (hmmm.... isn't that about the rate of Peccadillo's posts?)!
Soli Deo Gloria.
To every thing there is a season; a time to plant, a time to reap.
"Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send labourers into the field".
Thank-you, Pastor.
In honor of your departure Phil, I leave you this. Rock on!
I have kept up with your writings and sermons for many years and I think that you have gotten better with time. With age you have become more effective and efficient with your words. When speak of standing on the shoulders of giants, you are among those men on which I stand. I truly look forward to what the next 15 or so years of productive, focused work will produce.
|Well Done Phil.
You taught my sons Joey and Jacob to love blogging and added to their affection for truth. I have never posted a comment here but I had to today. Anyone who fed my children's love for learning and truth deserves to be thanked. Many blessings for you and your family.
Thank you Phil. May God use you in ways greater than blogging and may He raise up others like you to stand for the truth with much love. Ashish Kotak
've read a big chunk of these posts, and they all say one thing: Big Shoes. Really really big shoes.
I'm blessed to have actually been in your presence and spoken to you briefly at a Psalm 119 conference. Your kindness and graceful patience was the most impressive thing. God surely works through you. As anyone who has met you will attest, you look more like 39 than 59. Another example of God's favor.
We do most sincerely wish you joy and peace at a slower pace, though the race to the finish may seem like something else. We all look forward to continuing this in whatever form you choose, until we're all in heaven with you where we will joyfully praise the one you've pointed us to all along.
Soli Deo Gloria
Thanks for being consistent, clear, and thoroughly biblical. I have read this blog for years and will continue to do so, despite your absence. Among other more important things you discussed on the blog, I will miss your occasional references to the Cubs as they always made me smile despite the suffering.
The Lord bless you and keep you,
Dear Phil. I'm writing from Johannesburg SA. Thanks for your awesome contribution to the Body of Christ - not just on the blogong side. I will continue to wear the Pyro tshirt with honour. You best know where God is leading you but please don't rule out the possibility of a come-back even if only in terms of guest appearances. You are specially gifted in this area of contending for the faith at a time of unprecedented slide and this medium has become extremely influential. God Bless brother. You will be missed.
Thanks, Phil.
reading this very late {Nobody tells me anything} but it was great having Phil on the other side of the great debate. I will miss him.
Every once in a while I have to skip reading my favorite blogs because life is too busy. Boy, was this a time to miss a post! Phil, thank you for all your fine work here defending the faith. The Lord has used this blog to grow me in many ways. As much as you will be missed, I think you'll never regret your decision to step back at this point in your life.
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