Two things, labeled "E" for Eminently Bumpable:
- Brother Paul Edwards, having already talked to my better-two-thirds here at Pyro, finally reached bottom of the barrel. That's right, you can hear me, DJP, on his show today, Lord willing, at about 5:20pm ET / 2:20pm PT. It should be available streaming at the site, and then should be up after 8pm ET under the Audio Archive/Podcast heading. We talk mainly about the subject of this post, and this one. I think Ligon Duncan may be on the same show, so that's not to be missed.
- All of the Sovereignty of God talks from the recent Bible Conference are now up on Sermon Audio, along with the detailed outlines I handed out.

UPDATE: it isn't showing under Archives yet, but here is the show. (I geeked my way to it.)

Good luck, Danny Boy. May the Lord be with you! I hate to put too much pressure on you, but I'll be listening!
Thanks, strat. Actually, due to the time-zone differences, we had to record yesterday. So unless he does like backwards-masking, or gets a DJP-impersonator or does creative editing, my fate is pretty much sealed.
It was, btw, a pure pleasure. Great questions, great conversation. Went in cold, not knowing precisely what he wanted to ask; came out smiling. Only one major "D'oh! Why didn't I say...?" so far.
Not's not bad at all. My whole life pretty much consists of "D'oh!"
In fact maybe I should make a T-shirt that says that on the front.
I never knew that Paul would get so desperate :). Actually he knows that this will sky-rocket his ratings. If you talk as well as you write (I'm sure that you do) then many will profit from the conversation.
Btw, your link to sermonaudio is going to Yahoo mail rather than sermonaudio.
Sometimes I hate the intrawebs.
I'll go... fix it. Thanks!
Thanks for repairing the link Dan. I'm 30 minutes into listening to your sermon The Sovereign God and Evil - EXCELLENT!
If I had listened to this earlier I would have posted the link to it in this post instead of posting myself.
DJP: ". . . having already talked to my better-two-thirds here at Pyro . . ."
I don't remember ever being on Paul Edwards's program. I think your stats are wrong. Frank Turk has always been the voice of TeamPyro in that district.
Until now. Edwards must've got fed up with Frank.
Thanks, Olan. That was a hard message to prepare and to deliver, as you'll hear.
Phil, I could swear he said you had been on. Oh well, I'll listen to the interview later and see which one of us erred.
Though anyway, if it's not as I remember it, I'll just claim it was edited. So, either way....
However, you've done so many interviews with so many people in so many contexts on so many media, are you sure you didn't just forget doing it?
99 percent sure. I recall two instances when he asked me to be on. The first time I was in Italy, and Frank went on to dialogue with Joe Carter. The second time was a months ago. Paul Edwards wanted to discuss this post. I wanted to do it, but I was in Tulsa that week, and the Edwards Show came at exactly an hour when I had something scheduled I couldn't change. So I had to turn him down again. He prolly thinks I'm avoiding him.
well Phil, maybe Paul only said he "talked" to you. So he'd be right. (c;
I recommend it. It was a totally enjoyable experience.
Not that Dan needs any more sycophantic adulation heaped upon him, but I greatly exhort readers to download those messages from that conferences. They are an outstanding presentation of God's sovereignty.
I thought Phil's description of what it means to be evangelical was pretty good going into the historical meaning of evangelical - where you had to subscribe to faith alone and Scripture alone.
I think the next great distinction would be good to have is what are the distinctions between reformed and evangelical. In order to be reformed (i.e. comprehensively biblical on the gospel) you have to conform to the doctrines of grace. You can be evangelical but not Reformed (like the Wesleys) but if you're reformed you are also evangelical.
Wow, just listened to Phil's appearance in the video, all 35 minutes of it. I learned a lot just listening to him. More importantly, I got a good glimpse into the heart of Phil Johnson for the Gospel, something which is so easily missed in the blogging environment where everyone comes off sounding like a set of fingernails on a chalkboard (incl. me, even though I don't want to sound that way. Superb!
Now I have to wait until tonight to find Dan's radio appearance on the Edwards show (it's not there yet).
Sweet! I need something mentally nourishing while I finish my daughter's
well, let's just say I've got a proejct going and this will help keep the synapses from succumbing to the paint fumes.
Hey Fred,
Are you calling me a self-seeking, servile flatterer who shows excessive admiration to Dan? :)
Are you calling me a self-seeking, servile flatterer who shows excessive admiration to Dan? :)
Yes. We can start a club.
Olan: Are you calling me a self-seeking, servile flatterer who shows excessive admiration to Dan? :)
Fred: Yes. We can start a club.
Squirrel: Where do I join?
I thought it was kind of interesting that when I started to play the video, and ad came up for with some kind of statement about Jesus not saving by "covering your sins" or appeasing an angry God. Hmmm...
I am probably doing something wrong, but I went to the link to the Edwards show and still don't see anything apparent about Dan. All I see is some links about the over-exposed wunderkinds Paul Washer and Peter Piper. No DJP!
Also, if I click on the archives, there is no way for me to find out what they are about without first downloading a 55MB file, something I am reticent to do blindly when I'm operating at 250kps. Any clues for poor old me?
Right, Stratagem. I don't know why, but they don't seem to be updating the page.
But I put up an update, earlier. Check the post. I geeked my way to the program, and you can get it there.
You may also marvel at God's ironic providence.
Phil Johnson’s interview was great, I get so tired of the word games. It doesn't bother me so much when the media or non-Christians redefine and put a slant on things but it bugs me when Christians who should know better twist and taint definitions and identifying's tactics, either to be able to belong or to segregate, but it certainly isn't to avow.
Great interview! I'm pretty much right there with you on your perspective of "Evangelicalism." I think apostia is eventually going to end at the "Great Reformation," or Christ's second advent; so we could either be there, or in another cycle of Church History.
For anybody interested on reading further about the history of Christian Fundamentalism George Marsden has a great little book entitled: Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism, 1870-1925.
Also Phil says in the vid that folks are just waiting for movement towards a fresh Reformation; I am forwarding something called Evangelical Calvinism, and I think this has the teeth necessary to provide Reformation.
Anyway, thanks Phil!
Bobby Grow
Hey I thought this thread was about Dan's interview?! :-0
Dan, listened last night and thought you did an awesome job of explaining the difference between video "pastors" and real ones. Nice job! I also think the consumer church-goer tends to forget that they are at church also to give not just to receive.
There was only one problem with the interview: Because you look a lot like Jim Cramer, I had always assumed you sounded like him too. So your voice wasn't what I was expecting - could you work on that? LOL
The guy on Seinfeld?
No, the guy on Mad Money on CNBC. Or on
Well I'm not that into sovereignty, so I skipped over to Evangelicalism ;-) hehe.
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