05 September 2010

. . . and Him Crucified

Your weekly dose of Spurgeon
posted by Phil Johnson


The PyroManiacs devote some space each weekend to highlights from The Spurgeon Archive. The following excerpt is from "Voices from the Excellent Glory," a sermon preached on Sunday morning, 9 January 1870, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London.

f you desire to see the glory of Christ, as attested of the Father, you must dwell much on his death.

Do not talk to me about the life of Christ in all its purity. I know it and rejoice in it; but I tell you that the death of Christ, in all his misery, is the grandest point or view.

The example of Jesus should be exalted by all means, but his atonement is grander far; and you, sirs, who take the man Christ, and offer your pretty, complimentary phrases about him, but then turn round and deny his expiating sacrifice, I tell you your tawdry offerings are unacceptable to him; to be complimented by your lips is almost to be censured, for if you do not believe on him as an atoning sacrifice, you do not understand his life.

Phil's signature


Pierre Saikaley said...

Absolutely brilliant.

Away From The Brink said...

...and if one does not understand his resurrection, one does not understand his death.

Jesus' perfect life made his death meaningful, and his resurrection made his death effective to all who believe.

Romans 4:25

Stefan Ewing said...

So simple, yet so profound.

Jim and Debbie said...

You cant go wrong with Spurgeon.
We need more of his type indeed!

God be praised!


Rachael Starke said...

"...but I tell you that the death of Christ, in all his misery, is the grandest point or view."

Were Pastor Spurgeon still alive on earth rather than alive in heaven, I might ask him to clarify that. Perhaps in this case he's just referring to all those who espouse "Jesus was a great example"-related idolatries? But with respect, don't all the other aspects of His life and nature - His pre-existence with the Father, His resurrection and ascension, etc., matter in rebuking that argument too? If Jesus' death is the grandest point of view, then why not just celebrate Good Friday, and go enjoy bunnies and candy with the neighbors on Sunday?

No doubt when I'm in heaven I'll be able to get better clarification. :)