01 August 2010

Cold-Blooded Liberal "Charity"

Your weekly dose of Spurgeon
posted by Phil Johnson

The PyroManiacs devote some space each weekend to highlights from The Spurgeon Archive. The following excerpt is from "Needless fears," a sermon preached on Thursday evening, 11 June 1874, at the Met Tab in London.

he very persons who talk most about being liberal in their views are generally the greatest persecutors. If I must have a religious enemy, let me have a professed and avowed bigot, but not one of your "free thinkers" or "broad churchmen" as they are called, for there is nobody who can hate as they do; and the lovers of liberal-mindedness who have no creed at all think it to be their special duty to be peculiarly contemptuous to those who have some degree of principle, and cannot twist and turn exactly as they can.

C. H. Spurgeon


Jeff Godley said...

"The lovers of liberal-mindedness who have no creed at all think it to be their special duty to be peculiarly contemptuous to those who have some degree of principle, and cannot twist and turn exactly as they can."

If it was true in Spurgeon's day, how much more in ours!

Unknown said...

I'm glad that I know my family is made up of men and women of God rather than:
1) White men deserving of x 'rights',
2) White women deserving y 'rights',
3) Asian men deserving z 'rights',
Liberals who go so far as to attempt to limit/create new boundaries in which to place God have no qualms in creating new tags to define what they believe I should be called, officially and unofficially named, and when and to what new extent my rights should be expanded (limited).

Truth Unites... and Divides said...

Wow. Can't believe this was written a 100 years ago!

Blue Collar Todd said...

Spurgeon's assessment of Liberalism is timeless since he was so grounded in God's Word. He understood that Liberalism poses a serious threat to the Body of Christ. It is even more so today as the religious Liberalism he was so concerned about has merged with political Liberalism. I think how the Body of Christ will deal with this threat in the near future could have dramatic effects down the road.

Those who identify themselves as Liberal, even in our churches, are partnering with those who advocate sin. What possible outcome can their be once sin becomes an unquestionable public right? Think of homosexuality, a society and a State that enforces the acceptance and normalization of it is not going to be one that will tolerate those who hold fast to the Word of God and preach Gospel.