by Dan Phillips
From 2006 to 2012, PyroManiacs
turned out almost-daily updates from the Post-Evangelical wasteland --
usually to the fear and loathing of more-polite and more-irenic bloggers
and readers. The results lurk in the archives of this blog in spite of
the hope of many that Google will "accidentally" swallow these words
and pictures whole.
This feature enters the murky depths of the archives to fish out the classic hits from the golden age of internet drubbings.
The following excerpt was written by Dan back in December 2011. Dan used Jeremiah 13 as a launching point to show why the only proper response to a command from God is faithful obedience.
As usual, the comments are closed.
As I read through the first part of Jeremiah 13, an instructive and timely pattern leapt out at me.
In verse one, Yahweh instructs the prophet to purchase and wear a linen
loincloth. In verse 2, Jeremiah does it. Period. Then, and only then,
does the prophet receive another word from Yahweh.
Pause and reflect on that. Such a trivial command, no? As if God parted
the heavens to tell you to buy a can of olives, or a jar of mayonnaise,
and put it on the shelf?
If that were the case, would it be lawful and reasonable to ask why this
command was given? Sure, I don't know why not. We could ask. But
suppose no answer was forthcoming? What then?
In response, let me ask four questions of my own:
- Was the directive surely from God?
- Was the directive clear enough?
- Does God deserve obedience, regardless of the presence or absence of further explanation as to His rationale?
- Would it in any sense be unreasonable to say that disobedience, dithering or delay would itself be unreasonable?
In the Biblical example before us, the answers are clear enough. To the first three questions, I would suggest that
Yes is the only reasonable answer; and, to the fourth, only
Suppose Jeremiah never received one further word from Yahweh. The entry
for that day might be, "Dear Diary: today, Yahweh told me to buy a belt,
so I did." The diary's last entry of his life might include, "...oh,
and I never found out what the deal with the belt was. But that's okay.
He's Yahweh. I'm not."
Why would it be "okay"? Do this mental exercise. List for me every last being who
does not have exhaustive knowledge of the nature, meaning and significance of every fact or event that ever
has existed or will exist, as well as every fact or event that
might have existed.
That will be a very, very long list. Blogger won't allow you to write
all the names in your comment. This list will contain the name of every
last sentient creature, of any order, ever.
My name will be on that list. Yours, as well.
Now: list for me every last being who
does have exhaustive knowledge of the nature, meaning and significance of every fact or event that ever
has existed or will exist, as well as every fact or event that
might have existed.
That will be a very short list. It will contain only one name: God.
At this point — because this is what they do — your village atheist
might sputter and fume with explosive, scornful fury. But, just to be
blunt and plain, that's what Hell is all about, and that is why only
people who deserve to be in Hell will be in Hell... and why we all
deserve to be in Hell. The idea of a God who deserves ultimate and
all-consuming love and respect and obedience, simply because He is God,
is abhorrent, and the rejection of that premise is what launched the
doomed project known as "the world."
Back to our passage. The issue to Jeremiah, once he received this
seemingly nonsensical directive, is this and only this: is Yahweh worthy
of faith, love, and obedience?
That, right there, is the archetypal question. It was that same question
in the Garden, and it was at that same point that our
great-great-greats answered wrongly, and doomed us all.
You see, they had a word from God that was also clear and sufficient:
don't eat the fruit of this tree, or you will die. In fact, they
actually had
more than Jeremiah had, in that they had a known consequence. So the issue was
exactly the same: was Yahweh worthy of faith, love, and obedience?