- The online magazine of The Shepherds Fellowship, Pulpit, has morphed into a blog. Best of all, it's now publicly available; not restricted to Fellowship members. (I think if you want to comment, you have to be a member, but anyone can read.) The primary contributor will be John MacArthur, of course. So those of you who have been wondering if MacArthur will ever blog, your question is now answered. Nathan Busenitz, Adam Bailie, Rick Holland, and other guys from the pastoral staff of Grace Church and the faculty of The Master's Seminary will also post regularly. I'll also be contributing for comic relief, hopefully a couple of times a week or so. My first entry is on line now. Bookmark that blog and watch it.
My closest and most enduring friend (for some 35 years now) is Steve Kreloff, who for nearly 25 years has been the senior pastor of Lakeside Community Chapel, Clearwater, FL. They've been experimenting with radio for the past year or so, and I've encouraged them to expand the outreach of that ministry by podcasting. Podcasts aren't available yet, but you can listen online at VerseByVerseRadio.org. Check it out. Steve grew up in Brooklyn in a Jewish home, and his background and personality are practically the polar opposite of mine. (In other words, he is a really likeable guy.) But the Lord has given us a deep friendship that has spanned a lot of years and a lot of miles.
- OK, the reformation21 blog is interesting and funny, and I love the repartee. The pseudonyms are cute and clever. But it would be a lot easier to follow if somewhere on the posts, perhaps at the end of each entry, contributors would sign their real names.
- Speaking of reformation21 contributors, If you haven't listened to Mark Dever's interview with Carl Trueman yet, what are you waiting for? I really like Carl Trueman. Everything I have ever heard or read from him resonates. Dever, of course, is likewise always pure gold, so it's a real treat to listen in on a conversation between the two of them. One of the highlights of this interview is Carl's insider's assessment of Academia, in which he explains why academic types always seem to have new perspectives on everything. I won't spoil the interview for you; listen to the whole thing.
- Here's an article worth reading from today's New York Times (ht: The Conventicle). The article accidentally reinforces something I hinted at in my recent evaluation of the "emerging church movement." It is describing one of the major reasons why it seems to me that the seeds of this movement's ultimate demise are built into its own principles. (That's not a point the NYT article aims to make, of course, but it's something that occurred to me as I read.)
- Speaking of my seminar, it's intriguing that the discussion thread at Carla Rolfe's EmergentNo melted down into an argument about creationism after someone defending the emergent idea dismissed my point of view because it is held by six-day creationists. Such an un-scientific view of creationism "rebuts itself," he said. Six-day creationism supposedly represents the utter abandonment of "serious academic theology and honest thinking."
Note: I made no reference to creationism anywhere in my seminar. This had nothing to do with anything germane to the discussion. What intrigues me most is not the fact that one person who sees himself as part of the emerging movement would employ such an overtly modernistic argument, but that not one of his compatriots who supposedly see the "good" in post-modernism called him on it. There, in microcosm, you see where the whole emergent conversation" is really headed. Remember, you heard it here first: Modernism 2.0. - Blogspot and the Blogger system has been on the fritz a lot lately. It's maddening. Lately, if you can get the Blogger Dashboard to open at all, it moves like cold molasses. I'm surprised that I haven't seen a lot of discussion about this. Or am I the only one having the problem?
Perhaps I'll add more to the bottom of this post as the weekend progresses, so check it again before Monday.

I'm excited about the Pulpit Magazine Blog.
Is there an RSS feed available for it?
I didn't see one on the site and my RSS Reader didn't pull one for it.
Thanks for the head's up.
I have experienced problems with Blogger. It runs hot and cold and has recently dumped comments that I have so graciously bestowed over @ Founders. I need to be a little more introverted anyway expecially when ones try to subtract from the five. Blogger appears to lack in infallability.
Blogger is problimatic,including people having their blogs lost and even to the point of losing thier unique sites
An engineer has been called, you know. He must be spinning around like a dervish.
*bangs head against keyboard*
i've also experienced some "turtle-speed" behavior from blogger lately =)
I had convinced myself that the evil one was trying to keep me from posting on my blog because my content is just that good. Now that you have pointed out that Blogger is the problem I guess I’m back to mediocrity. Oh well.
I'm with you on Reformation21 - the names get too "inside" to follow.
And speaking of Dr. Trueman, what was that about Ferret Breeding (see 'The Wages of Spin')? Great interview, though. The whole series of 9 Marks interviews is great!
I'm having big problems with Blogger too. It's a good thing no one reads my blog.
The rest of the stuff was intrestin' too! Thanks.
-- Terry
I have had problems only with blogger comments. The dashboard seems to be good to me and for me.
My experience is the same as Frank's. Sometimes blog pages take a long time to load, sometimes the comments engine is close to worthless. But the dashboard has been fine for me.
steve :)
I have had problems publishing, but not getting to the dashboard. It took me hours to get that link to pyromaniacs up..I had to bind..oh, never mind.
Even So....
Yes, blogger has been giving me fits. In fact, I would have posted this morning but blogger would not even allow me to access my previously almost-finished draft. Oh well. aybe later.
See! It stole my "m" in the comment above!
(That was blogger's fault, wasn't it?)
I'm a Christian, I have a PhD in physiology, have a job as a scientist as an ivy league school, and I think evolution is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than to believe a literal 6 day creation! Keep it up!
Most everyone else I tried was fine, but I've been fighting with Blogger for a couple of days now. I was so frustrated that I went in to write a post entitled "Blogger Hates Me," but (of course) it wouldn't let me in.
I'm glad you said something, because I was starting to get a complex. I was almost to the point of reading the Good Thoughts Blog just to improve my self-esteem.
I read you Terry.
Modernism 2.0? It's the first time I've heard the phrase--and I commend you on it, Phil--but I think the Credenda guys beat you to the idea many moons ago.
I found Nancy Pearcey's Total Truth to be incredibly helpful at unravelling this paradoxical denial of certainty in everything but science
For the record: I would never claim to be in the same league with the Credenda guys when it comes to cleverness and originality. In fact, if it ever even remotely sounds like there's a smidge of cleverness in anything I say, it's prolly something that rubbed off from reading one of the Dougs, or something I subconsciously plagiarized from Credenda, which I dutifully devour each month and have been dependent upon for a long, long time.
I'm flattered to be mentioned in the same breath with them. So let's get that straight. I love those guys despite the fact that I'm a Baptist with a very conservative bent and most of them have let their Presbyterianism go to seed.
But, in my own defense here, if you Google the expression "Modernism 2.0," you'll see its earliest use on the Web was sometime last September in a post at the old Pyromaniac blog.
Ditto on blogger.
Blogger's been enough to drive me completely 'round the bend lately. As if I needed any more help in that regard.
I have no doubt that you coined the phrase. I hope it makes it into a Treasury of Quotable Blog Posts. (Anyone want to work on that?) I just wanted to point out that there are a lot of people trying to figure this stuff out. I found your lecture to be the best synopsis I have yet encountered of the problem with the emergent non-church non-movement.
Pearcy explains very effectively why the average postmodern schmoe applies his/her postmodernism to everything except science. She had the luxury of a book-length work to sort through this stuff, Credenda has a magazine, and you have a blog. You're all getting it done in your spheres of influence.
Pax from an RCA brother (we have self-esteem!).
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