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Now, my vote doesn't count because I, of course, possess all of these talents. But, if I were able to vote, I think I'd have to go for the juggler.
The ukelele player wins. That guy rocks.
Even though I'm a musician and therefore should vote for the talented uke player, my vote is for the juggler, too. I can't imagine how many hours it took to get to that point. Waaaaay more time than I have in my life!
Sharon, are you kidding? A REAL musician would be able to see that the horn player is by far the most gifted of the whole bunch.
(Prediction: first three-digit comment thread on the site.)
Yea... all of those were me. :)
So therefore... I feel I must vote for all 5.
But because I have to vote for one, I choose the... hmm horn player
Juggler, and I don't like juggling usually; the music helped a lot.
My question is, what are the theological ramifications of this, or are you guys just trying to get us all to come out and play (wink, wink)?
I have to go with the juggler. athough the uke player was Good (you have my admaration if you can play that or a banjo), so was the foosball player. but the juggler had my jaw droping. And thanks for fueling my ADD.
Vivaldi avec les petite trompettes! C'est très magnifique!
Welcome back, Pec!
Now we know what you were really doing in your absence!
I vote for the juggler - they were all amazing!
The juggler gets my vote, but the ukelele player gets a close second.
Steve McGarrett... Now HE was a classy cop. Unfortunately that Hawaii Five-0 thing sounds too much like my sons at their creative best.
The juggler wins, no question. He made me cry.
I didn't get to see all the juggler due to bandwidth issues, but I have to say that the manualist was pretty amazing.
After a week of heavy posting in the blog world, this post was a breath of fresh air.
I have blow the ukulele player's horn, he won hands down.
Because I'm a sucker for anyone who can redeem that noise into something useful...I vote for the manualist.
I'll make the more mature vote in our family and vote for the juggler.
I feel strongly in several ways, yet not wishing to cause division by being overly judgmental.
The horn player
Kim Wrote: "After a week of heavy posting in the blog world, this post was a breath of fresh air"
My 11 year old liked the Ukelele and the French horn players. My 5 year old like the Ukelele. My 3 year old and I liked the French horn player. My 4 year old twins liked the Manualist and my 12 year old liked the juggler.
My wife and I vote for the juggler. My five-year-old votes for the French horn. Having grown up in France, I was surprised to hear only one expletive during the entire show.
That stuff's really good, but nothing like this guy.
Here's another one that coulda been a contender.
I'm voting the Uke. Phil's guy might get my vote if possible.
Big Chris
Because I said so blog
I didn't think anything could possibly compare to Pachelbel on an electric guitar until I saw the guy on the cello. Except the cello guy is far more visual entertainment. Take away the visual from the electric guitar and I am still impressed...
can i vote for the Star Wars kid?
I have to go with the ukelele guy--that was incredible.
Not to put down the juggler--but I've seen lots of jugglers, including better ones-still he's good.
But the ukelele bit just blew me away.
Wow, that's quite the showcase! But since we have to decide on only one, well, my vote goes to the French horn player. The ukelele dude was quite good, too.
I vote for the juggler. (So does Victor Ybarra)
My vote is for the Uke player. Not only is he awesome, that is one of my favorite George Harrison songs.
Are you a Beatles fan, Pec? Two of your selections featured music by them.
You know, I'm thinking that considering the picture you have, an accordian repetoire of some sort would have been very nice.
Kim: Ask and ye shall receive.
No contest.
The juggler takes first, second, and third in a sweep.
Ukelele one is great. I like the extra video with Pachabel. the quitarist is very talented for someone so young.
Since I grew up with Basques, I am partial to accordian music. We all danced the hota (like a polka) during the annual Basque picnics.
The last few picnics featured a punk basque band from Spain, featuring the accordian. Nothing like punk/traditional Basque music.
Well, thank you kindly for that accordian selection. I had no idea that an accordian player would want to go shirt-less. Who knew accordian playing could be so edgy?
Certainly nothing like the way my dad used to play the accordian.
The manualist is the winner, hands down.
When I make music like that, my wife never thinks it's talent.
Anyone can practice juggling, juggling, and the ukelele, but it takes REAL talent to create a talent and then master it.
Transsiberian orchestra has nothing on the version of Taco Bell's canon. That guy was amazing.
And I'm pretty sure the five ball juggler used video editing.
I always think it's important to encourage the useful and transferable skills, so I'm going for the horn player..
I gotta get highspeed. I watched about ten seconds of the juggler.
I watched the juggler, didn't need to watch the rest. Nothing else could come close to that!
Definitely the ukulele player.
I have to give it to the jugglers. The Uke guy did ok, but as a guitar player, I have to say that he only had four strings to worry about.
BTW, Perfect pitch is when you toss the banjo into the dumpster and it hits the accordian. ;-)
The French Horn guy is out because he's french. By definition, the French are to be laughed at, not with.
The juggler is too much like a Mime.
The Uke player -- dude, that's nice, but can you play ragtime? I also have this thing against skinny guys who act artistic when they are doing something only marginally-entertaining.
The foosball stunt could not have been one take. While it blew me away, it was like watching the lightsaber duels in Episode III. The wonder is gone as soon as you realize it's staged, and you realise it right away.
So my vote goes to the Manualist for 3 reasons:
-- that's a lost art. You can't find one guy in 1000 who can do it that craftily.
-- Genre. The 5-0 theme music is itself a brillinat choice.
-- that guy's got nice hands.
Kent Brandenburg made the funniest post in this thread -- way out of character, but spot-on self aware.
For the record, it is also nice to see that Pecadirro has still got it.
Wow! I'm sooooo relieved!
For a moment there, I was afraid that this was Pecadillo's first Sunday as "Worship Arts" pastor at Grace Community Church.
i'm going to have to agree with cent on this one.
the manualist was money.
I change my vote to the ukelele player. I rewatched it today, and it wasn't choppy so it was much better the second time around.
My vote goes for the juggler, but my wife thinks that the horn player was the best because he made her laugh.
Even though the French Horn guy did have an uncanny resemblance to Turk, I vote for the manualist because, well, because I am a man...although the juggler was a close second.
The French horn guy is by far the best.
Did anyone else get the impression that the ukelele guy takes himself way too seriously?
Exactly. Exactly my point. Who is he? Andre Segovia or Christopher Parkening?
It's a Uke! Like Don Ho plays!
The Fooseball trick got the biggest laugh from me!
Obviously, if Pecadillo was in the contest, he would win. He really is that talented! But, since he is so busy, my vote is for the juggler.
Centuri0n, after five hours on the foosball table trying to replicate that now you tell me it was faked?
Thanks alot, bud.
puritanicoal wrote: "...I vote for the manualist because, well, because I am a man..."
I am laughing so hard it is difficult to type, but I think when all votes are in, you will find that the people who voted for the manualist are likely all male.
"faked" implies that the foosball did not, without some kind of device, actually go into the goal. It went in the goal. I want to know how many takes it took.
Saying it was "staged" implies that the video was allowed to run until the ball was successfully pocketed. It takes a certain amount of dexterity to pick that ball up and move it to the center like that -- but the hole-in-one? No way that guy shoots better than 70% with that move.
I cannot vote for the juggler. I have seen more stunning juggling feats.
I cannot vote for the Uke player because I think he should have spent more time on the guitar.
I can't vote for the manualist because I think he made those noises with his mouth.
I can't vote for the foosball thing because I fear that encouraging that sort of move will doom me in future foosball games. Besides, Frank said it was rigged.
So, by default, I'll go with the Frenchman with the bicycle horns. Besides, I'm nearly convinced he is actually an American masquerading as a Frenchman. For one, French guys aren't that funny on purpose. Secondly, he had a funny French accent. Finally, he said 'popcorn' too well to be truly French.
The Foosball shot was amazing. any one can do the other stuff but can you make a shot like that?
My wife says Horn dude...I say Juggler...
The horn player everytime - Likewise I'm not convinced the manualist wasnt using his mouth for the sounds
Frank Turk is wise beyond his years... or something like that.
As talented as the uke player clearly is, something about him bothered me and I couldn't figure out what it was until Frank spoke up. The uke player is a fancy-boy. Not just a fancy-boy but a talented fancy-boy; that's ten times worse.
I'm sorry but you missed out on the real talent!!!!
Believe me you have to see it to believe it and then you still might not.
Exactly. Way too fancy for someone playing the same instrument Arthur Godfrey made infamous -- I don't care if he can make it sound like the Halelluia Chorus. It's got 4 plastic strings and its name means "jumping flea".
I'll bet he spends 4 hours a day fixing his hair, and hour making sure he looks cool, and the rest of the day playing that one Harrison song over and over again -- sitting on a street corner with a tin can for tips. Oh, and an hour doing sit-ups so he looks like a girl.
wait -- not sit ups: advanced Pilates.
... little waif ...
Little waif or not, he gets my vote!
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