Yes the Point: I'm also working on scheduling and budget for 2013. This is your opportunity to try to "sell" me (and, through me, other readers) on why I should go to your conference.
So: why should I, or anyone, go to your conference? Give info, dates, speakers, details, links.

Hm; wonder what the one-star-hater's must-go conference is?
What: the 3rd and 4th Ever Psalm 117 Mini-Conferences.
When: Not determined yet.
Where: Columbus, OH.
Why: Twice last year I held a "Psalm 117 MiniConference" as preparation for a major evangelistic outreach in town. It was a means to provide some value to travelers as well at to strategize for the outreach.
I hope to continue. A Psalm 117 Mini-Conference is intended to be as exciting, God glorifying and biblical as a Psalm 119 conference, only shorter far. :)
If Daniel Phillips of pyromaniacs traveled to Columbus, OH for a conference and accompanying evangelism, I would gladly make him a featured speaker of the weekend.
Until we plan some large outreaches...we won't have any dates planned. Sorry. God bless!
Shepherds' Conference
Grace Community Church
March 6-10, 2013
Why? Two words: MacArthur, Johnson
I am NOT on the payroll for this one:
The Gospel Coalitions 2013 National conference in April on Missions and Jesus Luke in FL. Includes DA Carson, John Piper, David Platt, Kevin DeYoung, Tullian Tchividjian, Paul Tripp, J. D. Greear and lots more.
I AM on the paroll for this one:
The 2013 PCA Global Missions Conference in September in SC. Ravi Zacharias, Michael Oh and more. Held every 3 years
Well...and of course, this is a benefit to me...I'll be at both, so I'll get to have coffee with you..;-)
Phil Johnson speaking to a group of Independent Fundamental Baptist men in Minnesota. What's not to love?
September 13-14, at Fourth Baptist Church, Plymouth, MN
More details forthcoming.
I don't do conferences.
If not you and your music ministry team, then at the very least your music ministry team, including the audio/visual guys should not miss WorshipGod13. Two locations and dates this year, one in Orange County, California June 27-29 and another in Louisville, Kentucky August 1-3.
The speakers are not set yet, but in years past they have had John Piper, Thabiti Anyabwile, Ray Ortlund, Jr. and Bob Kauflin who is the host of the event. Musical guest have included The Getty’s, Enfield and a bunch of very talented Sovereign Grace musicians and song writers.
I have been to two and the teaching and insights gained have been invaluable to me and the music team that has gone with me. Everything from choosing the music to the proper way to use a microphone as well as instruction in playing instruments, writing music, buying sound reinforcement equipment, vocal training and music team evaluations.
Most importantly, they approach the area of music in worship from a whole Bible worldview that every Christian musician needs to hear.
Shepherd's Conf. MacArthur. Lawson. Sproul. Nuff said.
I'd tickle the feet of anyone who could get me to volunteer at the Shepherd's conference. I see it live via the Internet each year. What a blessing!
As for the one-star hater...I hear rumors he likes the Elephant Ro...ahhh, never mind.
The Expositor's Conference @ Steve Lawson's home church, Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile. Lawson and Sinclair Ferguson this year. Smaller, more intimate, a day and a half of outstanding gospel-soaked preaching, and good fellowship. MMMM good. Plus, as a bonus, the best grits are in Alabama.
Reformation Montana 2013!
May 17-18 • Helena, Montana
Speakers: James White, Chris Rosebrough & more!
Information Here
I'll be there!
I would but don't have speakers confirmed yet. I believe a certain menace will be speaking though.
Grace Bible Church is hosting A Biblical Counseling Conference here in Bozeman, Montana, July 25-27, 2013. Why not take in a vacation where you can enjoy world class fly fishing, hiking in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, and a visit to Yellowtone National Park (just 90 miles from the conference site) and then take in an awesome conference to complete the package. One Warning: You'll not want to leave Southwest Montana once you experience it.
Probably should add a couple of critical points: Guest speakers are: Dr. Rob Green (Faith Baptist Church, Lafayette); Pastor Brad Bigney, Senior Pastor of Grace Fellowship Evangelical Free Church, Florence, Kentucky; Pastor Chris Moles, Pastor of Grace Community church in Eleanor, WV; Aaron Sironi, CCEF staff member in Billings, MT; Dr. Dan Gannon, Orthopedic Surgeon and NANC Certified Biblical Counselor; Pam Gannon, Cardiothoracic RN, NANC Certified Biblical Counselor, part time instructor at Montana Bible College; Dr. Bryan Hughes, Senior Pastor at Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, MT, Board member of The Master's College in California, and author of a new book: "8:28-Unlocking God's Promise"; and Dr. Brad Wright, Vice-President of a Bozeman biotechnology firm and working on becoming a NANC certified Biblical Counselor. Registration forms and on-line registration will be available early 2013.
I know of some conferences, but I doubt you'd be interested in attending. ;-) Have a peaceful, Christ-focused New Year, Mr. Dan Phillips!
Ok so now I can confirm. July 20th 2013 Tulsa, ok A call for discernment conference will have Justin Peters, Scott Brown, Frank Turk and Phil Johnson speaking. http://gfbchurch.com/2011/12/a-call-to-discernment-registration/
You should come because it is close and it has some pyromaniacs.....
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