This feature enters the murky depths of the archives to fish out the classic hits from the golden age of internet drubbings.
The following excerpt was written by Frank back in September 2009. We shouldn't be surprised when God's way is at odds with ours, even to the pointing of causing us offense.
Sure: I have a healthy fear of the Lord in terms of His right and ability to judge me, and in that I know I am still without any merit before Him as a sinner. But what's actually really scary, really gut-turning to me about God is that He's going to ask me to do something which I will hate to do and would refuse to do because it offends me.
You know: it would be great if God would ask me to write a book. God can’t offend me by asking me to write a book. But what if God asks me to evangelize someone at work – a client, for example, who leads a godless lifestyle – and give him the Gospel whether or not I get to keep my job after I do it? What if God asks me to make friends with people who live in the trailer park near my house because they are all lost, all people too lowly to be reached out to because frankly, they are messy?
So look: in Jonah I see a guy who is like me. He wants to be a minister to God the way he wants to minister to people and not necessarily the way God wants him to minister to people, and not necessarily to the people God wants him to minister to. And he's serious about it. He's a prophet to Israel, darn it! He's not going to Nineveh -- Nineveh?! where the King of Assyria lives?!? -- and tell them that God is planning to judge them! God ought to judge them! They're sinners! Let them die in their sin! Look at all the beer cans in their trash, and can't you smell that cigarette smoke?
But there’s more to it than this. It is not only that God may ask me to do something which offends me: God himself may do something that offends me. That is: His way will not be my way. What God intends to do probably doesn’t look like what I have planned in my Outlook calendar. And the problem comes to a head when there has to be a reconciliation.
It’s easy to teach our children the words, “Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so.” It’s another thing entirely to remember that God’s love is not like my naive idea of love which has a very small circle, and lets very few people in.