Had a post I was mulling for a bit for this morning when, instead, I received a link to a blog in our sidebar regarding Jim Bublitz, who used to run a blog called Old Truth.
If you follow the link, you'll find this post:
I've enjoyed interacting with many of you and posting on so many of the issues that effect today's church. I have, as of late experienced some medical problems that make it impossible for me to continue blogging at this time. I recently learned that I have "Non Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver" which will require a liver transplant in order to survive beyond the next several years. For the past month I've spent a double-digit number of hours per day sleeping and have lost over 60 pounds in water retention. As some of you know, I've also been battling broken bones this last year, several of which are still giving me some problems.So today I'm just asking for prayer for Jim. He's a friend of this blog, a brother in Christ, and my prayer is that God will heal him -- whether it be through medicine, a skilled surgeon, or a flat out miracle if God will ordain it.
Through all of this, my family and church in Milwaukee have been incredibly supportive, and I'd like to thank them all. A special thanks goes out to Chad who has not only helped me with blogging through the months, but has also been a loyal friend and brother in the Lord. I am looking to the Lord through all of this and know that he has good that comes from these things (Romans 8:28). I'm at a loss as to how unbelievers are able to make it through these types of things without looking to the Lord for strength.
That's all I have to say about that -- except that your prayer requests can go in the meta, since we have people with their heads bowed and lifting needs up to the Lord.

Will do.
Let me also lift some prayer requests from the last meta, if I may:
chiefssuperfan — Please, each of you as you read my comment, pray by name for the salvation of our neighbors and good friends, Dennis and Kathy.
alhbible — We - all of us reading this - need to be praying for each other, to see opportunities when they arise, and to be bold and sensitive as we take those opportunities, and to diligently prepare for them so we're ready. I'll do that for you; can I count on you to do that for me? ...This Saturday, I'm going to be conducting a funeral. I have no reason to believe the young man we're burying is saved...and nearly everyone attending is in the same condition. ...I'd certainly be grateful for the supportive prayers of yourself and others, so that I would have the right words, and proclaim the genuine Gospel to a lot of good friends who need to hear it.
Candy — Speaking of opportunities, please pray because I am hoping to visit my daughter in early August down in Hollywood. ...She is not a Christian
Praying for you Jim, not only for your healing and recovery, but that our Lord will use this experience to draw you, His beloved, near to Him, your Beloved.
May the Lord lead all of us, according to His will, in praying for needs of our brothers and sisters, and the lost, as they arise through this fellowship of blogging.
While I may not agree with Mr. Bublitz on every point, his passion for the Truth is a gift of God and a welcome wake up call for many in our churches. I will be earnestly praying for Jim.
Mr Jim - will keep you in prayer.
The LORD bless you and keep you as you follow hard after the LORD.
We are praying for your recovery.
"He's a friend of this blog, a brother in Christ, and my prayer is that God will heal him -- whether it be through medicine, a skilled surgeon, or a flat out miracle if God will ordain it." -Frank
I echo this heart felt prayer, and shall be going to the throne of grace for our brother and fellowservant of the Lord.
Thanks Dan for mentioning prayer requests.
Frank. Thanks for bringing this up. What a rough road for Jim Bublitz. He is in our prayers.
I will definitely be lifting up these requests as I go through my day...especially Jim.
Dear Jim Bublitz,
You're in good hands with our Heavenly Father! God give you strength and joy and peace as you persevere in the race for His Glory!
God bless you for your wonderful work and ministry at OldTruth.com!
Jim, I don't know you and have never read your blog, but may the Lord provide you with the best medical treatment and the best doctor(s) possible in your case, and may he increase your faith in him, in spite of how you feel right now. God bless. (I mentioned this in Dan's post on prayer a while back but was not specific: the pastor for whom we prayed at my old church received the transplant he needed in the nick of time--a liver transplant. It's now been five years! May the Lord come through for you as well!)
Jim's ministry has been very helpful to me personally the last couple of years and his blog will be missed.
Praying that God's will is done in his life.
For Dan:
The Phillips Family: I am seeking full-time ministry of the Word, in earnest.
Please pray for me and my family. To be specific:
Pray for God to guide our thinking, and to open doors
Pray that God will put us together with a group of believers who (A) will be well-served by the gifts God has given me, and (B) can provide what is needed to support and make a home for my family. Let any seeking bodies know of my availability. We are willing to relocate and, while we have preferences, aren't ruling anything out offhand — as long as #2 obtains.
Jim, praying for healing, medical wisdom, encouragement and comfort in the Lord, and the continued support and understanding of those in your life, Cindy L.
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