First: The Duncan. I'm listening to m'man Ligon Duncan preaching through 2 Timothy. In his sermon on 2 Timothy 1:12-18, he says this:
...and those who truly understand God's sovereign grace to them are people who are gracious to other people, and they are merciful to other people, because they knowLigon is talking about verse 13: "Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus."the mercy that has been shown to them undeservedly. ...The truth will go bad on you unless you turn it into prayer, and turn it into practice; unless it is changing the way you think and relate to God, the way you think of yourself, and the way that you show the love of God to your brothers and sisters in Christ and to all mankind. God's mercy changes us. And so a real knowledge of the truth of God always has a corresponding impact on our experience and on our living.
Second: me. anybody in the Middlebury, Vermont area open to a Calvidispiebaptogelical guest-preacher on August 17? We plan to be in the area for a happy event, on which perhaps more, later. Just doing that "networking" thing, and my dance-card is open. (Or, if you prefer, my standing-in-one-place-and-swaying-rhythmically card.)

Um, Dan.. don't you know Christians aren't supposed to dance? They ARE, however, permitted to move liturgically...
True story:
When I was a student living on-campus at Talbot, one morning I attended a local church; I think it was Baptist.
The fellow read a Scripture passage that contained the word "dance" in it. He offered this gloss: "the word means to move back and forth rhythmically."
The girl next to me whispered, "That's so the Biola students won't be confused."
Reminding me very tangentially of the song, to the tune of "Solid Rock":
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Scofield notes and Moody Press
Biola's rules for hair and dress
And ol' Bill Gothard does the rest
That was rich...the diddy that is. :)
1. Hooray for the THE Duncan! I can see it in my own life. When I don't humble myself and let God's Word change me but instead become smug about what I know, the truth does indeed go bad on me.
2. I've heard of Bill Gothard before and just did a search on him. Am I right to think that people have mixed feelings about his teachings?
3. Calvi-dispie-bapto-gelical-expiali-docious! (I've been wanting to say this a long time now! Thanks for that jingle, Dan.)
Am I right to think that people have mixed feelings about his teachings?
You could hardly be righter, on that topic.
Oh, my, Bill Gothard. Do we really want to stumble down that path??
A Musician by Grace
Reformed Bible Church
P.O. Box 6919
Rutland, Vermont 05702
ph. 802-483-6975
This is 30 miles or away from Middlebury. Maybe you can give them a call?
Well, I need to get to bed for your study tomorrow.
It's funny you bring up Gothard. A homeschooling mom who goes to my church just had a conversation with me about Gothard the other day. I was googling to find out more since the information she gave me was not very good information. I really had not paid much attention to him before.
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