

I also wanted to add (as an UPDATE) that the reason this particular blog is so cool is that we have the most creative readers on the blogosphere, with the exception of Angelz who's the pro-temp staff artist at Well, that and the fact that I am actually

Nice work, bossman!
perhaps there should be a teampyro dictionary set up (defining for example: POMO, LINK TROLL, etc.) for us, lesser folks.
WELL thats just about the funniest thing I've seen all day!
That's great! We're a comic book! (c:
Now, I can tell which one is Frank, and Pec, and Phil... does that mean I'm the beardless, spinach-spattered guy?
(Trivia test, Frank: my first reaction was to say, "Hey! That's me and three others!" Name the source. < Jeopardy music >)
"POMO" = "POst MOdern"
"Link Troll" = anyone who posts anything anywhere which is essentially a plea to link to some other content (like a blog); examples: Frank Turk, Adrian Warnock.
"Avengers" = great comic book which is perpetually ruined by third-rate writers and taking Cap, Thor and Iron Man out of the lineup.
"HT" = "hat tip"; blogger jargon meaning, "I'm too link-stingy to actually link to you, you link troll"
"gummby" = world's greatest sidekick, perpetually ruined by third grade artwork and the necessity to eran a living for his family which always seems to have one more mouth to feed.
That's off the top of my head, daniel. Did you have any I missed?
Dan: that's obviously your reaction.
BTW, the green Hulk parody is supposed to be you, I think. The pseudo-Iron Man is Phil, Pecadillo is the little bit of trouble on the flying tea saucer, and of course I am Captain America (albeit with glasses, which makes all the bad guys take a stagger step -- do you hit a guy with glasses?).
You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?
Steve Hesselman, the artist who has been stocking the Mordern Reformation Hall of Fame, turned that out this weekend, and I liked it so much I had to share it.
The reason this blog is so cool is because Frank Turk is so humble. It blows people's minds...
Very clever, and very cool.
Sadly, the artwork is better than a real picture of me. Of course, if I could get someone to show me how to use Gimpshop, I could prolly post a decent picture. Until then, I'll just be unashamed of what my kids have done for me.
That's kindegarten artwork, BTW--the kid's got talent! Note in particular the beard (you thought that was a double-chin, didn't you)?
I no longer come here for the content... just to see the latest in graphics work :) jk.
Exactly. There's no doubt about that.
You have no idea how jealous I am of your progeny-generated avatars.
I'd like to know where you get all this clip art and the mechanics of posting it.
My own humble little blog is rather boring by comparison.
Well, I am also rather boring by comparison. In fact, I'm yawning at myself right now.
I thought Cap looked more like Mac or maybe Piper
Cheeseburgers don't do that to your body, Cent, you and I both know better...
Of course, when I look in the mirror I see Wolverine...
Here come the hair jokes....
BTW...I would love to see you guys do a similar play off of the British "Avengers." Ever see that old TV show starring Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg? There were other ladies that played Macnee's assistant, but I always liked Diana Rigg the best.
Since you've won a Warnie, I think this nod to our UK brothers and sisters would be a classy touch.
How about a "YSTC?"
Someone has waaaaay too much time on his hands!
You, too, can have fun with Photoshop!
But Seriously, Folks (tm) it's great to see the comicbook covers back.
Proverbs 15:15
that would mean a picture of a woman in a black catsuit on the blog... I think that might push some readers over the edge..
Libbie --
That's exactly what I was thinking. The leather catgirl suit which endeared Diana Rigg to so many of us would cause a complete meltdown of the reformed blogosphere.
we're such joykills.
Thanks very much, and glad you liked it (and now I know what HT means too...)! You're lettering made it, though. If I ever did a real comic book, I'd have to call on you...
I'm also a big fan of Angelz. His work is always enjoyable, and very skillfully done.
Sorry about the spinach. The unfortunate thing is, that it most likely reveals the source of your powers... now your enemies know, so look out!
...remembers the fiasco with GothGirl, and tries to imagine the Fundy outcry over a Diana Rigg tie-in...
Naomi F -- The reason this blog is so cool is because Frank Turk is so humble
Well, in all fairness, Naomi, Frank has a great deal to be humble about.
regarding the cat suit:
Naw, just give her a holy hairdo and make sure the cat suit's ankle length and you'll be fine.
Dan's right. I need to be more humble about my ability to choose my friends.
I was actually thinking "buzzkill" and didn't want to open up the meta to all kinds of grief.
DJP - Name the source.
That would be the caustic wit of "XR" from Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, the video (as opposed to the series).
I'm assuming that the Hulk is Phil? It ain't easy bein' green.
At least none of the characters on the cover are wearing skirts of questionable moral length.
Hmm. How to combine a "buzzkill" and "killjoy" in one post. How about this?
We have not yet posted a Diana Rigg catsuit photo, but we do have Iron Man on the cover. This will likely result in two accusations. One, Iron Man is a hidden reference to a heavy metal song, therefore TeamPyro endorses Satanic metal and backward masking. Look for Paul Crouch to do an expose on you.
Second, the superhero comic book drawings (with too tight tights, BTW) will generate too much excitement in California's homosexual community, so TeamPyro will be accused of needless prurience causing struggling sinners to stumble. (Not bad alliteration if I do say so myself).
Of course, we all know that comic books, playing cards, the cinema, Lawn Darts and other assorted amusements are straight out of Gehenna. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to change into my corset and fat suit before I go for a swim in my above ground pool. In the dark where no one can see me.
On second thought, I'd better not do that. I'll get accused of skinny dipping. Or maybe dipping snuff.
You know you've arrived at a whole new level of infamy when you start getting internet fanart.
Nice work though. :)
Daniel --- Dingdingdingdingding, we have a winner! You are a man of discerning and refined articstic tastes!
It isn't a great cartoon, but some of the chuckles (that's one of them) took me by surprise.
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