PyroManiacs: Setting the World on fire. `Is not My word like a fire?` says the LORD (Jeremiah 23:29).

19 October 2007

Proverbs speaker ejected

by Dan Phillips

Blogless commenter Jimbo pointed me to this "article," which is too good not to share.

I found it very timely as I prepare for the Proverbs conference. Don't think they'll kick me out, though.

Don't think so, but... you never know!

Dan Phillips's signature


Solameanie said...

I read things like this and it almost makes me want to institute Singapore's policy for dealing with recreants. A good, sound caning with a bamboo rod soaked in brine. As the welts heal, perhaps the pain might prod some of these theological pustules into perusing genuine biblical truth.

I've got some questions I could ask them, but I don't think they'd appreciate my questions much.

DJP said...

(I know you know the article's a parody, though)

donsands said...

That was quite good. I read him once before.
Lord be with you at the conference. may many hearts be shaped, and your's as well.

I always thought the #1 subject of Proverbs was wisdom, but I found out it was sexual behavior.
Does that sound right Dan?

Solameanie said...

Oh, yes..I know. And it was a good parody.

But I still want to cane pomos. They're so irritating.

DJP said...

Well, sure.

Kevin said...

It may be a parody, but oh how true of the POMO's think of today. Was this "speech" given on Solomon's Porch maybe?

Solameanie said...

BTW, I would have followed TeamPyro etiquette and suggested using a Costco frozen meat chub, however I don't have access to a Costco here. More than that, a meat chub seems a bit severe for what is merely a disciplinary matter with an out of control adolescent.

Stefan Ewing said...

I loved this line, as a dismissal of this Solomon guy:

"I'll bet he's the type to go and build a fancy worship building, too."

Man! That was so good!

mkz said...

Spare the rod, spoil the POMO....

Anonymous said...

I love this. And I hate it. Y'know?

Seriously, I want to take this to my Sunday school class this weekend, where we're reading and discussing The Truth War. A great parody (although too close to real) of the postmodern and emergent response to clarity of thought and truth.

Mike Riccardi said...

I like how the teacher's name is Solomon, as if the writer's suggesting that these people are actually rejecting the words of Scripture, and not merely the words of men (1Th 4:8).

Stefan Ewing said...

It's supposed to be the biblical Solomon. Hence the allusion to "a fancy worship building."

Solameanie said...

I wonder what Brian McLaren would think after listening to a couple of Keith Green albums?

777law said...

Dissing Solomon? Not cool.

777law said...


can I have cuts?

Unknown said...


Wow, caning for the sake of orthodoxy huh? Thats cool... or something.

So, if I am a "PoMO", and in my "perusing" of genuine biblical truth I come to some different theological positions than you, do I get a caning too?