- According to Ilona at "Truegrit," Dan Phillip's post "What prayer is and isn't" made her angry. She posts a lengthy remonstration in an attempt to correct the "acute instances of error" in Dan's post.
- On the other hand, Kim from Hiraeth liked the post and has kind words about Dan.
- Jim Rector also liked that post and recommended that his readers check us out.
- Scotty Burness has fixed his template.
- Don Fields decries the "mall-ification" of the church and the merchandising of religion. He's careful to explain that he's not specifically singling out Frank Turk's Pawn shopthough he was thoughtful enough to give Frank a link. It might be some comfort to Don and others to know that Frank doesn't actually sell much PyroGear. If the Pawn shop ever started to turn a serious profit, we would de-link it. This is not a commercial venture.
- Fred Butler, on the other hand, has the kind of entrepreneurial instinct that could earn someone a fortune.
- Eric Rung had a great post on "The Pervasive Nature of False Teaching." He's looking forward to the interview with John MacArthur on the "Emerging Church Movement."
- David Carlson made two posts this week implying that Ingrid Schlueter is the anonymous person I was describing who threatened to publish a "news brief" accusing John MacArthur of secretly advocating "contemplative spirituality." She wasn't, and I went out of my way to stress that fact in my post about "Guilt by Association." For those who wondered why I made such a point of saying that post was not about "Slice of Laodicea," there you have it.
- Neal Shay gets my wife to try her hand at writing a guest blogpost. She's as wonderful as ever, but not likely to take up professional blogging.
- Colin Maxwell celebrates his blogiversary by blogging in tongues.
- I'm really glad to see Deathrow Bodine back at his blog. Here he remarks on our fear of the "slippery slope" and the very real danger of backsliding.
That's all I can do for now. I need to get some rest.

Is this a first? A total cessationist blogging in tongues? Fair fa' ye for the wee wurd
my error.
But her attacks are way over the edge, including how Chuck Swindoll was called out.
I know it isn't a commercial venture. I just threw a link to Frank Turk in there to have some fun and to see if anyone would catch it. After doing so, I felt guilty and decided I better put a disclaimer. I appreciate all of you here at teampyro.
Thank you, Phil, for clarifying that it wasn't me threatening to send out a press release about John MacArthur. We're looking forward to having Dr. MacArthur at our February rally for VCY America Radio. His upcoming visit is generating a lot of excitement and my 10-year-old son who listens to Grace to You every night is hoping to get a chance to meet him and shake his hand.
Ingrid Schlueter
I was about to post something in defense of Pastor Maxwell by clarifying that he was not actually blogging in tongues, but after looking at his comment (the first one in the list above) I'm thinking that perhaps there is a place for him in "Charismatic Chaos" :-) So now, I'm here just to stand in support of Ingrid, and extend my thanks to Phil for clearing that up :-)
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