20 September 2006

Slow Day on the Blog

by Phil Johnson

fter seeing the following news item, I've decided to adopt a new slogan for the blog:


Phil's signature


Pecadillo said...

Wait, where does it go?

DJP said...

1. Remove goggles.
2. Apply directly to the forehead.

Even So... said...

I don't own a TV (fundy radical) and so I had never seen this stuff before...

But it makes me want to take DJP's sword and say,

head OFF apply directly to forehead...

head OFF apply directly to forehead...

head OFF apply directly to forehead...

FX Turk said...

"apply directly to forehead"

That's classic. Look for a t-shirt soon.

FX Turk said...

I just watched the bonus clip, and let me say something: that commercial completely destroys the idea that you need a million-dollar sublime ad campaign to shill your junk. It will and ought to put the fat ad companies on-notice that all their production values are a sham.

See: that 30 seconds of direct address does something no other commercial on the air does today -- it simply says "buy me". No stupid stunts, no celebrity endorsement, no sexy or otherwise-covetous subtext, no relational strong-arm.

Head on: apply directly to the forehead.

This ad should also put the Emergent church on-notice: the age of b******t is over, and substance triumphs over style. This ad is wholly propositional. It is an order -- and in many ways, it is exactly like the Gospel.

Jesus, who was raised from the dead: know that He is Lord and Christ.

End of story. Your meta-narrative, your retelling, your liturgical drama, you goofy artistic pretentions: they are simply crap.

this may be the best post at TeamPyro since we started.

FX Turk said...


It's like a push-up pop. Etrude and consume.

Solameanie said...

That commercial is almost as irritating as the old Clearasil commercial from my youth...

"I'm an acne pimple,
lonesome as can be..

Don't cry pimple, we'll keep you company

Hey fellow pimples, can three be a crowd?

All together pimples, let's sing out loud..


If I had had access to a brick back then....

Tom said...

Ah, it's just more prepping for the AC:
"#6 - apply directly to the forehead"
(repeat 3 times)